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Mixed Probus Silo Outing

Corowa Wahgunyah Probus Club enjoyed a bus trip to view the Silo Art.

Country music capital

This photograph is of the 23 members of the Probus Club of Coffs City Inc., who visited the Slim Dusty Centre for lunch and a tour of the complex on October 4, 2018. 

Active Retirees

The Probus Club of Port Stephens boasts many active retires amongst their 135.

30 year Celebration Birthday

East Maitland Ladies Probus Club 30 year Celebration Birthday.

30th Anniversary Luncheon

Probus Club of Yamba 30th Anniversary Luncheon.

First Outing

Probus Club Of Bossley Park members enjoy their first Outing.

95 members enjoy lunch

Burraneer Probus Club celebrate their 20th Anniversary.

Cruise control

Earlier this year, members of Ballina Ladies Probus Club and guests enjoyed a cruise of the Gold Coast Canals.


Narrabri Probus Club celebrate 30 years.

Cruising the Gold Coast Canals

Ballina Ladies Probus Club Cruising the Gold Coast Canals.

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