Mb: 0412646832
MARCH - Tuesday 25th – 11.00am
AT: Canton Beach, Toukley.
Near the Children's Playground end/Carpark.
BYO everything.
April - Tuesday 29th April - 11.30am
LUNCH at Ourimbah RSL
(Turn right at the lights for big parking area opposite club)
At own expense
MAY – Tuesday 27th May – 11am
COST - $30.OO per person – LIMIT OF 30 people
AT: Lakes Lifestyle Village Community Room:
Findlay Avenue, Chain Valley Bay
Pay your $30 pp by 13th May into Probus a/c
Newcastle Permanent Bank BSB 650-000 a/c 5285 40603
ENTERTAINMENT: CO-ORDINATOR: Suzanne Chalker Mb: 0423851738
or by phone on 4323 3233
Please wear your Probus Name Badges - we have many new members and some of us (not naming anyone) have poor memories so we would appreciate it if you would wear your badges to all our meetings and outings.
*** If you put your name down for an event and find you’re unable to attend please let Sue know asap so Sue can advise the venue of revised numbers as often the venue put on additional staff to cater for us ***
2025 Entertainment Schedule
W’Day |
Time |
Date |
Name |
Activity |
Cost |
Pay By |
CODE for Transfer description |
Venue |
Weds |
11am |
05-Mar-25 |
Cabaret Lake Munmorah |
Show & Lunch |
30.00 |
20-Feb |
MH Cab |
Club Munmorah |
Sat |
2pm |
08-Feb-25 |
The Pirates of Penzance |
Show |
60.00 |
24-Jan |
Wyong Art House |
Weds |
11am |
02-Apr-25 |
Cabaret Lake Munmorah |
Show & Lunch |
20.00 |
20-Mar |
A Cab |
Club Munmorah |
Sun |
2pm |
04-May-25 |
The Robertson Bros |
Show |
75.00 |
7-Feb |
Wyong Art House |
Weds |
11am |
07-May-25 |
Cabaret Lake Munmorah |
Show & Lunch |
30.00 |
8-Apr |
MY Cab |
Club Munmorah |
Sun |
2pm |
01-Jun-25 |
Motown |
Show |
64.00 |
11-Apr |
Wyong Art House |
Weds |
11am |
04-Jun-25 |
Cabaret Lake Munmorah |
Show & Lunch |
30.00 |
16-May |
JE Cab |
Club Munmorah |
Weds |
11am |
02-Jul-25 |
Cabaret Lake Munmorah |
Show & Lunch |
30.00 |
10-Jun |
JY Cab |
Club Munmorah |
Weds |
11am |
06-Aug-25 |
Cabaret Lake Munmorah |
Show & Lunch |
30.00 |
17-Jul |
AG Cab |
Club Munmorah |
Weds |
11am |
03-Sep-25 |
Cabaret Lake Munmorah |
Show & Lunch |
30.00 |
14-Aug |
S Cab |
Club Munmorah |
Weds |
11am |
01-Oct-25 |
Cabaret Lake Munmorah |
Show & Lunch |
30.00 |
9-Sep |
O Cab |
Club Munmorah |
Sat |
2pm |
04-Oct-25 |
Little Pattie, Digger Revell, Jade Hurley, Dinah Lee and Lucky Star |
Show |
89.40 |
4-Jul |
Wyong Art House |
Weds |
11am |
05-Nov-25 |
Cabaret Lake Munmorah |
Show & Lunch |
30.00 |
9-Oct |
N Cab |
Club Munmorah |
All Payments for the above activities should be transferred to: Newcastle Permanent BSB No. 650 000 A/C No: 552 574 803 by the date shown in the Pay By column above. Please remember to indicate which event you are paying for in the description field.
Please note some dates may change due to public holidays or special occasions.
Our annual Barefoot Bowls day is on 11 April.
Yes is only 6 weeks away, but by that time most of our clubs will have had 2 Committee Meetings and 2 General Meetings, so plenty of time to promote the day.
Details you need to know are;
At: ARI Toukley
Time: 10.00 am for a 10.30 start.
Finish at around 12.30
Cost: $5.00 per bowler ( green fees )
Maximum number of bowlers 65
No limit on Spectators.
Bowls will be supplied to those bowlers who need them.
ARI bowlers (2) will assist if you need some guidance.
There will be an Expressions of Interest form at the meeting. Details to Jeff by 4 April.
Anyone who does not register or pay their money by then will not be able to play.
Following Bowls, let’s all join together for lunch, at own expense.