• Arrange and preside over Committee and General meetings
• Work closely with Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer, together with Committee
• Ensure Agenda is prepared and distributed prior to meetings
• Endeavour to run meetings smoothly and on time
• Promote the importance of Fellowship, Friendship and Fun within the Club
• Prepare Agenda for the Committee and General meetings and distribute prior to meetings.
• Work closely with President & Treasurer, together with Committee
• Record accurate minutes of every Committee and General meeting and email to members.
• Liaise with Membership Officer to keep up to date list of membership
• Receive, answer and/or forward all correspondence
• Work closely with President & Secretary, together with Committee
• Collect, receipt and bank all money received
• Prepare Treasurer Reports for Committee and General meetings, as well as for the Newsletters
• Maintain accurate and current records
• Reconcile Petty Cash
• Prepare accounts at the end of the year for Auditor
Membership Officer:
• Work closely with President & Secretary, together with Committee
• Maintain accurate membership records and forward to Probus South Pacific Ltd. Also provide Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Officer and Welfare Officer with up to date records on a regular basis.
• Have all members, visitors and guests sign attendance sheets at each meeting and give copy to Secretary for inclusion in the minutes
• Arrange for membership badges etc to be ordered for new members
Newsletter Editor:
• Work closely with President & Secretary, together with Committee
• Set a deadline for all input to the Newsletter & advise members
• Collate all reports from President, Treasurer, Guest Speaker officer and others
• Publish Newsletter and email to members prior to General meetings and have copies available at meeting. Send copy to Probus South Pacific and/or other Clubs as required
Hospitality Officer:
• Liaise with Doylo (Donna) re room set up and requirements for meetings (seating plan, sound equipment, projector etc)
• Ensure tea and coffee available at each meeting
• Bring birthday cake, candles etc for all members having birthdays
• Communicate with Treasurer re coffee tickets and money
• Pay Doylo coffee money after each meeting
• Form sub committee (if needed) to organise special events (Christmas etc)
Welfare Officer:
• Phone and send a card and/or flowers to sick members
• Inform members of any member who is not well
Activities / Outings / Trips:
• Investigate suitable day outings, tours etc
• Submit suggestions to Committee for approval
• Circulate information to all members for consideration, including dates, costs and other relevant information
• Coordinate with Treasurer re collection and banking of money collected
• Ensure each outing is costed to cover expenditure
• Submit to Newsletter Editor to publish in Newsletter
Guest Speaker Officer:
• Endeavour to arrange guest speakers at least 6 months in advance
• Keep a list of guest speakers on file
• Obtain from guest speaker details of their subject and check whether they need projector or sound equipment etc
• Send letter/email to speaker confirming the date, time and place
• Phone speaker a week prior to the meeting to confirm details
• Meet the guest speaker on arrival and introduce the speaker
• Arrange for a “Thank You” gift (if required) and liaise with Treasurer
Risk Management Officer:
• Keep a record of members’ signatures for each event, for insurance purposes
• Keep a record of events and outings information on file for reference, not only for injury, but to cover loss of deposits etc if necessary
Club Ambassador:
• This is a supporting role
• Greet guests and visitors as they arrive
• Introduce them to the Membership Officer who will ask them to sign in etc
• Introduce them to President and available Committee members
• Advise the order of the meeting etc and show them the tea, coffee
• Other tasks which may arise from time to time to assist the President
Cluster / Inter Club Ambassador:
• Attend meetings together with other Ambassadors in our area
• Report back to the Committee on relevant items of interest to our Club
• Send report to Newsletter Editor for publication
• Report to General meetings
Publicity Officer:
• Report on Club activities to local newspapers and radio stations
• Be aware of all deadline dates for all newspapers and publications and submit copy well before the deadline closure, including photographs where possible. Most copy is submitted on line
• Regularly submit articles and photographs to PSPL for Active Retiree Magazine, Facebook or the PSPL website.
Web Officer:
• Set up and maintain the Club’s website