"Probus for Fun and Friends"
The Must Dos - Risk Management and Keeping in Touch
Risk Management:
Members must consider their personal capabilities before undertaking any activities with the Club.
This includes both housekeeping duties and all organised activities such as outings, groups, functions, trips or walks.
It is the individual's responsibility to ensure that they are physically capable of undertaking a particular activity.
Please advise the Welfare Officer if you feel that your medical condition precludes you from helping in the hall set up and kitchen rosters.
Regarding Payments:
This will help avoid delays if a scheduled activity is cancelled and a refund is required.
Keeping in Touch:
Attendance: Members are reminded of their obligation to attend not less than 50% of general meetings in any 12 month period. If you are unable to attend two consecutive meetings or more, due to illness, travel or other personal commitments, please notify the Membership Officer in writing and request to be granted a leave of absence.
Contact Details: Please remember to inform the Membership Officer of any change of postal address, telephone number or email address.
Badges: Replacement Probus name badges may be ordered through the Membership Officer who can advise you of the cost of replacement badges.