AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Dine-Out Group:   Contact: Joe Borg: 0407 505 109

Members meet for relaxing luncheons utilizing the range of excellent and varied local and Bass Coast region dining venues meeting at the selected venue at 12 noon on the 3rd Sunday of each month. 

Tuesday Luncheon Group    Contact: Di Ireland: 0408 333 061 

Members gather at the Netball Courts around 11.30am on the 1st Tuesday of each month and car pool to a range of interesting local venues and Bass Coast region locations.

Live Entertainment:   Contact: Jan Smart: 0407 554 271

  • We attend regular luncheon shows at the Wonthaggi Workmen’s Club where an excellent two course meal is served. For WWC Members drinks are served at discounted prices. After lunch a variety of talented artists provide excellent entertainment. A very reasonably-priced and Great value outing.