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November 2025: Brett Newell - Consultant Eurovintage NZ will talk on NZ wine industry

October 2024: Sarah Free - Wellington City Councillor

September 2024: Bill Day - Chairman of Wellington Hospital Foundation.

August 2024: Leigh Catley - climate change dilemna 

July 2024: Sir Ron Young - retired judge and Chairman of the Parole Board

June 2024: Ann Schumacher CEO Dementia Wellington

May 2024: Mike White - history of sinking of S S Ventnor

April 2024: Stuart Niven Urban Design 

March 2024: Gabor Toth Local History Specialist Wellington Libraries

February 2024: Professor Richard Stubbs P3 Research

November 2023: Laurence Reece and Leonard Sakofsky percussion players from the NZ Symphony Orchestra

October 2023: Operational Heartbeat by Wellingtton Free Ambulance

September 2023: Dan Henry - Predator-free Miramar Peneinsular

August 2023: Dr Philip Stevens 'Guiters, Economics and how to make a toaster'

July 2023: Prof John Macalister on Remembering and forgetting

June 2023: Prof. Michael Bunce Chief Science Advisor Dept of Conservation

May 2023: Dawn Saunders Shakespeare Globe Centre NZ

April 2023: Rob Wilson founder of Ghost Diving NZ

March 2023: Antony Gomez Royal Astromical Society of NZ

February 2023: Associate Professor Alexander Maxwell Victoria University

November 2022: Major David Bennett - Salvation Army volunteer in disaster zones

October 2022: Alex Hambleton - French Horn player in the NZ Symphony Orchestra

September 2022: Alan Tennyson - expert on Te Papa research

August 2022: Jo Harris - Unity Book Shop

July 2022: Graham Stewart - 60yrs in book publishing, writing and photo journalism

June 2022: John Allen - Chief Executive of Wellington NZ

May 2022: Luke Malpass - Political Editor for the Dominion Post

April 2022: Addas Nazari - Came to NZ as a child refugee on the 'Tampa' from the Taliban in Afganistan

March 2022: Jim Lynch - The proposer of 'Zelandia'

February 2022: Anna Williams - Iran hand woven rug repairer

November 2021: Wayne Turner - Principal Instructor at Rimutaka Prison

September 2021: John Allen - Wellington City Council

August 2021: Patrick O'Donohue - Flight Plastics on plastic recycling

July 2021: Phillip Thomlinson - Establishment and history of Wellington Botanical Gardens

June 2021: Peter Farrell - author of 'The Lie That Settles' 

May 2012: Kevin Clark - Interactive musical talk

April 2021: John Christie - History of Seatoun and Eastern Suburbs 

March 2021: Philip Soal - Fire and Emergency NZ 

February 2021: Ben Phillips - Kaibosh Food Rescue

November 2020: Kevin Clark - Rode a motorbike from London to Bagdad in 1964

October 2020: Bayley Taylor - Fred Hollows Foundation 

September 2020: Canceled due to Covid-19

August 2020: Moira Nisbet - Senior Nurse Wellington Hospital on Organ Donations

July 2020: Informal meeting - no guest speaker

June 2020: Cancelled because of Covid-19

May2020: Cancelled because of Covid-19

April 2020: Cancelled because of Covid-19

March 2020: Dr Adrian Macey Victoria University - climate change

February 2020: David Watt - Area Co-ordinator at NZ Heritage

November 2019: Michael Jackson - Victoria University PHD Research on pest control

October 2019: Zac Johns - NZ Symphony Orchestra 

September 2019: Glen Williams - Police Inspector

August 2019: Rear Admiral John Martin (Retired) former head of the Navy

July 2019: Ana Faatoia Wellington Emergency Management Office

June 2019: Jenny Fellowes U3A

May 2019: Scott Brown US Ambassador

April 2019: Neal Becket Journey Manager NZ Transport Agency

March 2019: Veronica Bennett "Stand" Children Services

February 2019: Dame Kerry Prendergast ex Wellington Mayor

November 2018: David Farrar political activist, blogger and pollster

October 2018: Andy Regal and dog from border control Wellington Airport

September 2018: Annette King ex MP, Cabinet Minister, Deputy Party Leader

August 2018: Gaynor Gastmeier Kilbirnie Citizen Advice Bureau

July 2018: Helen Tunnah Ministry of Foreign Affairs - her time in Vanuatu

June 2018: Sister Josephine, Home of Compassion on 'Life and work of Suzanne Aubert

May 2018: Sue Chetwin CEO Consumer NZ 'Work & challenges & anecdotes from Consumer NZ

April 2018: Kevin Hackwell, Chief Conservation Advisor Forest & Bird - 'Preditor free NZ - How achievable is it?

March 2018: Rob and Muriel Ewan survivors, & trustees for the Wahine 50th Anniversary Commemoration

February 2018: Hon. Peter Dunne - Described as NZ's most experienced politician

November 2017: Sarah Free - Wellington City Councillor Eastern Ward

October 2017: Reece Dixon - Weta Workshops

September 2017: Irene Van Dyke - netballer

August 2017: Dr Bryce Wilkinson - Senior Fellow at the NZ Initiative

July 2017: Annette King - MP for Rongotai

June 2017: Brigitte Windley - coroner

May 2017: Dr Phil Sirvid - Senior curator and researcher at Te Papa

April 2017:  Dr Peter Murray - Medical Advisor Registrar to Pharmac

March 2017: David Howman - Past Director of WADA (World Anti Doping Agency)

February 2017: Dr Roger Blakely - Wellington Regional Council and Capital Coast Health Board 

November 2016: Denise Carnihan - Author of "I Share my Heart with Africa".

October 2016: David Barber - Journalist and Author

September 2016: Debbie Battell - Past Banking Ombudsperson

August 2016: Graeme Blick - Geodesist work in Antarctic

July 2016: Suzie Austin - End of Life Choice Society

June 2016: John Christie - History of Seatoun and Miramar Peninsular

May 2016: Craig Utting and Elizabeth Sneyd - Founders of the Virtuoso Strings Charitable Trust

April 2016: Graeme Jupp - Cartographer with LINZ on sinking of Titanic

March 2016: Dr David Jones - VSA in Papua New Guinea

February 2016: Aimee Williams - Heart Beat Co-ordinator with Wellington Free Ambulance