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At each monthly meeting, after the business formalities, special interest group updates, and morning tea, our Club offers interesting & thought provoking speakers who entertain & educate us on a variety of topics.

In recent months our Guests have been:

Mr Keith Jones - Australian Volunteer Coastguard

Mrs Linda Drysdale - "Downsizing"

Mrs Sue Grady (Trade Travel) - "Where to from here"?

Mr Darren Arnott - Author - "No Regard for the Truth"

Mr Barry Veitch - One of our own members - Travel adventures, Photos, Laughs & Loos.

Mr Ray Keppie - One of our own members "Silo Art Around The World"

Mrs Dorothy Docherty - Guide Dogs Australia

Mrs Shona Ashworth - "Home Instead" aged assistance

Ms Casey Olori - Australian Unity - "My Aged Care"

Mr Greg Forbes - One of our own members life stories

Mr Stephen Kenna - Wills, Power of Attorney and Estate Planning

Mr Pete Smith - More entertaining stories of his time in radio & TV

Ms Charlotte Sterrett - The Yarra River - The Birrarung

Mr Lee Paris - Community Safety Support Co-ordinator Whitehorse Council

Sgt. Wayne Kohlmann - Victoria Police Forensic Department (Several great talks & presentations)

Mr John Holland - John's world travels - "Travelling Differently"

Mrs Dorothy Coombe - Foodbank & How it Operates

Ms Elida Brereton - Very entertaining & informative talk - "Travel to South Georgia & The Antarctic"

Mrs Dawn Barr - Our own member - "Creating your own Life Story"

Mr Tom Grucza & Mr Neil Kingswood - Our own members - "Trains & Automobiles"

Ms Regina Johar - "Food Waste/Composting etc"

Mr James Nicholas - "The Mystery of the Fairy House"

Mr Pete Smith - His life & times as a TV & Radio personality

Ms Judy Banks - "Courtnetwork"

Mrs Robyn Scholes - One of our own members interesting business venture

Ms Vicki Mustafa - "Women in the Middle East"

Sgt. Wayne Kohlman - Victoria Police Forensic Department

Mr Leon Sinnot from "Beyond Blue" - What Beyond Blue does & how we are able to seek help & support

Mr Mike McFarlane from "Angel Flight" 

Ms Lyn Geer from "Smith Family"

Ms Lorraine Smith - "Journey of a lost Manuscript"

Mr. Dick Francis - Retired sea Captain - interesting & entertaining stories about "life at sea"

Mr Barry Veitch - One of our own members Travel Adventures - South African Safari.

Mr Ray Keppie - One of our own members Travel Adventures - North America & Canada and Outback Adventure

"Glamping in the Kimberleys"

Mr Ian Hunt - Victorian Ambulance

Ms Joanne Lambie MBA - "Stay in Touch"

Ms Yvonne Wood - "Hooroo! I'm off"

Ms Elida Brereton - "Travel Tips"

Ms MaryAnne Benny - "Genealogy"

Ms Carolyn Pethick - "To Hell & Back" - a Policewoman's Story

Dr John Carson - from The Stroke Foundation

Mr Geoff Bransbury - "Dopey old bloke on a bike"

Mr Mark Chapman - Aged Care

Mr Lachlan McLeod - "Life Stories of Everyday Australians"

Mr Bruce Ricketts - One of our members life stories

Mr Cliff Hardy - Childhood Memories of the London Blitz & Rocket Attacks

Ms Elida Brereton - "Anecdotes relating to Education"

Ms June Rushton - "Growing up in Lighthouses"

Ms Julie Pethard - One of our own members interesting stories

Mr Kevin Trask - "His Career in Show Business & his cousin, Diana Trask"

Mr Don Jones - "The Magic of Laughter"

Ms Julie Fechner - "The Dingo Lady"

Ms Marie Quirke & Mr Rohan Morris - Royal Flying Doctor Service

Ms Anne Catchpole - The Cottage by the Sea

Mrs Margaret Edgington - One of our own members interesting stories

Ms Ann Eldridge - Australian Lions Visual Independence Foundation

Ms Berry McDay - Warrnambool History

Mr John Howell (Local Author) - "The Only Woman at Gallipoli"

Ms Emma Gee - Inspirational Speaker & Author

Ms Anu Krishnan - Eastern Palliative Care

Mrs Val King - One of our own members on her interesting life overseas

Mr Ian Douglas - The Shrine

Ms Ros Keenan - Cochlear Implants

Mr Graham Duncan - MFB Seniors Fire Safety

Mr Adrian Paterson - former Police Artist

Mr David Barr - One of own members interesting stories

Dr Joely Taylor - Author of - "Backtracks: Recollections of Remarkable Australians"