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Past Guest Speakers

Click on the following link to open a new page with a list of past guest speakers:


2024 Guest Speakers

  1. January - Jo Capp, President of Hope Horizons. Jo spoke on how Hope Horizons works to diminish the impact of cancer in our region.

  2. February - Senior Constable Jason Burrows presented on the topic "When is the right time to surrender one's licence".

  3. April - A representative from NBN will talk about computer scams and passwords.

  4. May - Kylie Currey, Senior Consultant of Niagara Medical Therapy, will talk on "Age life!".

  5. June - Brigadier (Ret'd) Jock Crocombe will talk about Legacy.

  6. July - Roger Green on the topic "Australian Culture from a Migrant's Perspective".

  7. August - Michelle Alroe on "The Story of the Development of Jazz Appreciation in Toowomba and District".

  8. September - Bill Hills OAM telling his grandson's (Christopher) story. Christopher was born with Athetoid Cerebral Palsy but is an amazing achiever.

  9. October - Mike Butt spoke about his experience in the military involved with Project Slammer, a research program established to find out why trusted people became spies for the opposition.

  10. November - Cr Edwina Farquhar spoke about her background and involvement on the Toowoomba Regional Council.

2023 Guest Speakers

  1. January 2023 - Professor Roger Stone of the Centre for Applied Climate Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, who will talk on "Climate".

  2. February 2023 - Rhonda Weston AM, Chair of U3A Toowoomba wil speak about the University of the Third Age.

  3. March 2023 - AGM

  4. April 2023 - Qld Police representative talking about Cyber Scams.

  5. May 2023 - Deputy Mayor Geoff McDonald.

  6. June 2023 - Annabelle Brayley, a distinguished freelance author and nurse, who will talk to us about Nurses in Vietnam.

  7. July 2023 - Greg Lamerton, President of Toowoomba Historical Society, who will talk to us about Downlands College and Dr Alex Horn and his legacy, Horn Park, North Toowoomba.

  8. August 2023 - Former Club member, Graham Blackman will talk about Australina history.

  9. September 2023 - Club Speaker: Rob Catto. Guest speaker: Paul Herbert (Teacher and "history nut"). Subject will be "Toowomba's Dark Side" - exploring a range of infamous, grizzly, strange and quirky events which have shaped or influenced the town, the state and the nation.

  10. October 2023 - Club Speaker: Ray Stephenson. Guest Speaker: Ian Waples (retired engineer and history buff) will talk on Researching, Recording and Publishing Station History
  11. November 2023 - Guest Speaker: Justine Lugg (Veteran Engagement Specialist (SE Qld)) will talk about her work and especially what Invictus has done for our veterans in the local community.


2022 Guest Speakers

  1. January 2022 - No Meeting

  2. February 2022 - Graham Blackman - The little-told & mostly unknown story of Australian "O" class submarines cold war exploits, hazards & accomplishments of their missions.

  3. March 2022 - AGM

  4. April 2022 - Maryanne Walsh OAM (Principal Centenary Heights High School) - The stellar and necessary work in education today of the ‘doing school differently’ approach.

  5. May 2022 - Katie - Inland Rail Representative

  6. June 2022 - Linda Bourke from Toowoomba Flexi School.

  7. July 2022 - Taegan Gloss, Industry Liaison Officer at the Flexi School in Toowoomba.

  8. August 2022 - Dr Patrick Murray (Member) talking on the topic "A Dose of Toowoomba Physic - Medical Triumps and Tragedies since the 1950's. He might even mention his pet project - the establishment of a Medical Museum. To see a copy of Patrick's address, go to the Miscellaneous Files page.

  9. September 2022 - Dr John Cox discussing Governments and Pandemic lock-downs.

  10. October 2022 - Damian Bell, Executive General Manager at Wagners to discuss drone manufacture and Virgin Space Project at Wellcamp Airport.

  11. November 2022 - No guest speaker. President Floyd to give presentation to encourage committee nominations from members.

  12. December 2022 - No guest speaker due to Christmas Party.