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The Club's Management Committee

A committee drawn from its members manages the Club. With the exception of the president, committee officers can serve in any one position for up to three years.  The president generally only holds that position for a year. These tenures may be extended if required - refer to the constitution for details. The election of committee officers takes place at the annual general meeting, which is held in March each year. 

The management committee for the current club year (1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025) comprises:


Position Held


Phone Number


  Immediate Past President Floyd Wilson 0418-110-344 [email protected]

President Tony Mullen 0408-238-091 [email protected]

Vice-president John Randall
0427-984-370 [email protected]

Secretary John Randall 0427-984-370 [email protected]

Treasurer Ken Stephenson 0428-360-144 [email protected]

Guest speaker officer Rob Catto 0415-956-100 [email protected]

Newsletter editor Bruce Hinchliffe 0418-795-038 [email protected]
  Historian Bruce Hinchliffe 0418-795-038
 [email protected]
  Tours and outings officer Paul Barrett 0422-820-825 [email protected]
  Tours and outings officer Floyd Wilson 0418-110-344 [email protected]