1. Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club shall be managed by a set of Standing Resolutions approved and adopted by Members.
2. The Standing Resolutions of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. are the matters which relate to the governance and management of the Club.
3. Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. shall be managed by a Management Committee that comprises a President; a Vice President; a Secretary & a Treasurer who are elected by Members at the Annual General Meeting of the Club and a Public Officer who is appointed by the Management Committee.
4. Positions on the Management Committee of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. (except the Public Officer) shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting of the Club which is held at 11.00am on the second Monday of March in any Probus Year at Club Lemon Tree.
5. The Management Committee of the Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. will be assisted by Members of the General Committee who will be responsible for: Programs; Outings & Activities; Functions; Hospitality; Membership & Tilliprobe Editor.
6. Other areas of responsibility: Tours; Publicity; Carpet Bowls; Theatre; Mini-Golf; Greeters; Welfare; Lucky Door Donations; Ten Pin Bowling; Flag Bearer & Walking will be organised by the Management Committee at the Monthly Meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting. These Members do not have to attend a Management Committee Meeting.
7. The immediate Past President of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. shall be a Member, Ex Officio, of the Management Committee without voting rights.
8. The Management Committee of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. shall appoint a Public Officer at the April Committee Meeting who is only entitled to voting rights if he/she is not already a Management Committee Member.
9. The Management Committee of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. shall appoint a Probus Liaison Officer who may not be a member of the Management Committee (with email access to allow communication with PSP) at the April General Meeting with no voting rights.
10. The Management Committee of the Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. shall appoint an Auditor of the Club’s Financial Records at the April Committee Meeting without voting rights.
11. The Treasurer and one other delegated officer of the Management Committee of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. appointed by the Committee are authorised to use Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for payments of Club Accounts, where appropriate.
12. Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. shall meet monthly at 11.15am on the Second Monday of each Month at Club Lemon Tree except when the Meeting Date clashes with Easter Monday or Anzac Day.
13. Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. may meet at another time, on another day or at another venue by the decision of the Members.
14. The Committee of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. shall meet monthly at; 11.00am on the first Monday of each month at Club Lemon Tree except where the Meeting Date clashes with Easter Monday or Anzac Day.
15. The Committee of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. may meet at another time, on another day or at another venue by the decision of the Committee Members.
16. The maximum Membership of the Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. shall be 130.
17. Visitors may attend a maximum of 3 Consecutive Meetings before becoming a Member of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc.
18. There shall be no more than 5 Life Members of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. at any time. Life Membership may be conferred upon a Member who has rendered outstanding service to the Club. Any Nominations shall be submitted to the Management Committee in writing for consideration and, if approved, referred to the next General Meeting of the Club for confirmation. Life Members shall enjoy all membership privileges and shall not pay any Membership Fees.
19. A Member remains a Life Member of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. until their death or resignation from the Club.
20. Where attendance numbers are limited at any Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. organised activity, Club Members shall have priority over Non-Members or Visitors in attending, provided Club Members nominate by the specified date.
21. Members elected as Officers & Committee Members at the Annual General Meeting of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. shall be authorised to administer the affairs of the Club prior to 1 April of that year and shall report on such matters at the next General Meeting for ratification.
22. Monies paid by a Member or Visitor attending an Activity or Function organised by Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. will not be refunded unless under extreme circumstances approved by the President if cancellation not to attend the Activity or Function is received by the organiser after the Cut-Off date.
23. Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. will support the Annual District Anzac Day Service with the presentation of a Book at the Service which will be directed to Tanilba Bay Public School.
24. Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. Members and Visitors shall sign their name on the Attendance Record to indicate they have attended a Club Meeting, Activity or Function with the Attendance Record being retained by the appropriate organiser for a period of 12 months for the purpose of liability insurance records.
25. Authorised Club Delegates of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. who drive to Hunter Region Probus Association Inc. Meetings or authorised Probus Meetings will be reimbursed Petrol Costs in the amount of $20.00.
26. A Delegated Officer of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. may deposit all funds of the Club to the credit of Club’s Account in the Club’s Financial Institution in the absence of the Treasurer.
27. Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc’s. Financial Institution is The Greater Building Society – Tudor Street Hamilton through their local Branch situated at Tilligerry Plaza – Lemon Tree Passage Road – Tanilba Bay NSW.
28. The Signatories of the Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. Accounts are any 2 of the President; Vice President; Secretary and Treasurer. However, one of the Signatories must be the Treasurer {or his/her Delegate}.
29. Visiting Guest Speakers of the Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. shall be presented with a Gift or Petrol Money to the value of $20.00.
30. The Public Officer of the Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. is authorised to complete and lodge the Annual Statement {form 12} following the Annual General Meeting of the Club by 30 April each year.
31. The Treasurer of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. has the Authority, on behalf of the Management Committee & the Club Members, to pay Accounts as they are received instead of holding them until the next Management Committee Meeting.
32. Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. is not permitted to conduct Fund Raising Activities but a Bucket Collection can be made for specific purposes with the approval of Club Members.
33. Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. will make a Memorial Donation in the amount of $50.00 in the event of a death of a Club Member. This may be in the form of a Cheque or Flowers which is left to the late Member’s Family discretion.
34. The Secretary of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. shall provide Probus South Pacific Ltd. annually with the Club’s Membership List and make necessary alterations at appropriate times.
35. Activities recognised and undertaken by Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. are; Lawn Bowls; Life Ball; Mini Golf; Ten Pin Bowling; Carpet Bowls; Walking; Barbeque/Salad Lunches; Excursions/Extended Tours; Functions {Wine Tasting Lunch; Change Over Lunch; Soup and Damper Day; Anniversary Lunch; Melbourne Cup Party; Christmas Function} Theatre Outings & publication of the Tilliprobe.
36. The recognised activities of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. shall be recorded annually but activities may be added or deleted at appropriate times by the passing of a Notice of Motion.
37. Monies received by Co-Ordinators should be handed to the Treasurer of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. who will issue a receipt for all monies received from the Co-Ordinators as soon as possible after collection and banked by the Treasurer within two working days.
38. Receipts shall be issued Co-Ordinators {where appropriate} for monies received from Members although a Function Ticket will suffice in lieu of a Receipt.
39. The Probus South Pacific Ltd. Card identifies a Member as a Financial Member of a Probus Club.
40. Non-Active Membership may be conferred upon a Member who because of carer responsibilities, illness or disability has been granted Leave of Absence from the Club. Non-Active Members do not pay Membership Fees and are without voting rights.
41. Members may request to become Non-Active Members in the event of being unable to attend Meeting regularly.
42. The Treasurer and/or Secretary of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. is authorised to hold Petty Cash to the amount of $100.00 {paid at the beginning of any Probus year} which can be used for Miscellaneous Payments and can be recouped when necessary by providing receipts for goods purchased.
43. The Soup & Damper Day is usually held in August in any Probus Year with Members being asked to donate a soup {usually 6} for the day with $10.00 per Member being reimbursed in the amount of $10.00 by the Hospitality Officer or Treasurer if the Member so desires.
44. A ‘Cash Float’ of $200.00 is provided to the Hospitality Officer at the beginning of any Probus Year which can be recouped when necessary by providing receipts for goods purchased.
45. The Secretary of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. should advise Probus South Pacific Ltd. of any new Members after the initial Annual Membership list and pay the Annual Fee requested at a Pro-rata basis in conjunction with the Treasurer.
46. Members Apologies preferably should be made by the Membership Officer with Members who will be absent for a lengthy period of time completing a Leave of Absence Form with Leave of absence forms being reviewed Annually where appropriate.
47. All New Members of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. are to receive a copy of the Club’s Standing Resolutions with their Membership Pack.
48. These Standing Orders, excluding those related to the Annual General Meeting may be amended at any General Meeting of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. provided a quorum of Members (50% + 1 Members) is in attendance and voting, provided notice of such proposed amendment{s} having been published to all Members at least twenty one (21) days before such Meeting.
49. The Management Committee of the Club is responsible for handling of Internal Disputes between Members and Members or between Members and Members of the Association with all complaints to be made in writing and to be signed by the complainant.
Members of Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club Inc. resolved to formally adopt the above Standing Resolutions numbered 1 – 49 by Special Resolution at a General Meeting held on Monday 11 August 2014 at Club Lemon Tree.