Office Bearers for 2024-2025
Management Committee
President Margaret White
Vice President John Myers
Secretary Elizabeth Carloss
Treasurer Cynthia Rogers
Public Officer Lyn Mason
General Committee Officers.
Functions Officer Lyn Mason 4982 3359
Hospitality Officer Iris Ellem 4982 5695
Membership Officer Peter Freeman In the first instance Text to 0412 545 565
Outings & Activities Officer Lyn Chamberlain 0425 387 015
Program Officer Margaret White 4982 5734
Publicity Officer Lyn Chamberlain 0425 387 015
Tours Co-ordinator Pam Longmore 0448 807 663 or 4981 7510
Activity Co-ordinators
Mini Golf Co-ordinator Stan Watts 4982 3401
Ten Pin Bowling Co-ordinator Stan Watts 4982 3401
Theatre Co-ordinator Marie Towler 4984 5278