For Our New Members
Some Important Matters
Attendance Sheet
Attendance at meetings and all activities is recorded on sign on sheets. These are legal documents for insurance purposes. Please ensure you indicate your attendance by having your name marked off the attendance sheet. If you have an apology for another member, please advise the Membership Officer to record this on the attendance sheet.
Membership Attendance
Membership of this club shall be contingent upon attendance at regular meetings of not less than fifty per cent in any club year, subject to leave of absence in cases of sickness or on any other reasonable grounds
Members are encouraged to bring visitors to meetings and outings, however after three club visits, guests are expected to decide whether or not to apply for membership. Spouses of members are classified as guests, and we strongly recommend that they become members. Indefinite visitors are not covered for insurance purposes.
List of Members
In order to comply with privacy requirements, this Club does not publish a list of members. Committee members contact information can be found in the Management Committee area and in the Newsletter.
Annual Fees
Annual Fees are due and payable at the commencement of each new financial year, commencing on April 1st. Annual Fees should be paid by the April monthly meeting, at the latest.
Our Activities
We organise many activities for our members to attend.
To see a list of our activites and the co-ordinators responsible click of the following link Activities.