The Entrance Probus Club Inc. .
Bulletin No 478-August 2024
Presidents Report for August 2024 Helen Taylor
Firstly , I must thank our Vice President Tom and our Committee
members for holding the fort whilst I was away. Speaking of our holiday it
was not what we had envisaged surgery and three trips to hospital were
not on our radar. All’s well and I’m back on deck.
This meeting we will induct John Greck, Marilyn Featon, and Robyn
Wilson to our club, and we wish them many enjoyable years ahead with
The committee will be very busy over the next coming months finalising
arrangements, for Christmas Luncheon. I will advise members of the
progress next General Meeting.
I had been informed that Christmas in July was a very successful event
and those who attended did enjoy the day, the food and entertainment
was a hit.
Next function that at the time of writing I have not had feed back on but
knowing how very well Wendy’s functions are I have no doubt all who
attend will have a fantastic day and the food would be amazing. I have
heard many Committee Members have rallied to help Wendy and I am
sorry to have not been available to participate in all the fun- I am keen
on dress up. I hope you all braved the cold wet weather and are looking
forward to Spring.
Oberon is our next big function, and I predict those attending will need
winter woollies. A fun time to look forward to,
I guess now I’m home it’s hit the ground running, I am looking forward to
seeing you all on the 27 th .
Regards to all
President Helen Taylor
..A message from Diana Cooney who looks after the attendances. Could members who are not able to attend a meeting please contact her prior to the meeting on 4332 9064 or 0423988102
President: Helen Taylor 0418612900 Secretary: Judy Bayliss 0428251146
Attendance & Apologies-Di Cooney-43329064 -0423988102. Meetings held on 4th Tuesday of each month in the Bias Room of The Bateau Bay Bowling Club .
Treasurers Julie Commins OAM 2024
TREASURER’S REPORT- July 2024 - Julie Commins
Income for July 2024 was $461.75 which mainly consisted of , Membership payments
Including badges $100.00, Raffle takings $138.75, Theatre $118.00, Italian Lunch
There were expenses of $633.25. Mainly Consisting of : Raffle Expenses
$95.25, Badges $40.00 , Hall Hire $100.00 , 1st Aid Kit $25.00, Probus info Day $25.00,
M/Tea 25/6 $112.00, Reimburse Theatre tickets $236.00
Net operating balance of $2758.40
The Cash reserve account stood at $3712.64 Total club funds at end of June 2024 -
In general, it would be greatly appreciated if you could make payments online ensuring you include your name(s) and the event.
If you wish to deposit funds directly into the Probus Account please give
your Probus number to the teller.
Cash is always ok at meetings
Westpac Account BSB: 032 525 A/C 751399. Give your surname and item description (eg: Smith).
20th August Pranzo Italiano 11am Tumbi Community Hall
15th October Lunch Japanese Gardens at own expense
3rd December Christmas Lunch at Mingara.
BBQ REPORT – Wendy McRobie The Tumbi Community Hall has been booked for this again. There will not be such extensive preparation for this lunch. I would like those attending to add to the theme of the day by wearing red, white or green something Italian (Gondola dress). The menu as follows or similar: Small antipasto entrée, lasagna & salad ,tiramisu with beer & wine. $15 per person. Attendees will need to bring dinner plate, knives, forks, spoons & wine glass. At our August meeting, as it is close to Father’s Day, there will be a treat for all those dads who I know will generously share with their wives! Footie Fest. This will be held on Tuesday 17th September and I hope we will be able to have it at Toowoon Bay Park….. depending on the weather of course. There will be meat pies, mushy peas etc and of course, a dessert. The cost will be $15 and I will need names at August meeting please .At this event instead of having Trivia Carolynne has suggested we have a small auction. If members would like to bake a cake or pot a small plant this could be auctioned off at an amount starting at $1. The cake would need to sliced into serving pieces and each piece placed in a small plastic container such as a Chinese take away food container. Any money made could be put towards the Christmas Party expenses.
SOCIAL REPORT …….Carolynne Roach
To date 65 members have notified their intention to attend.
I will be collecting names at August meeting and will have a table at front where you can give your names , you may be a single member , a couple or a small group. Cost is Members $50 and Guests $65.
Money can be paid at September meeting, but last day for payment is end of October.
please pay online before October meeting as this is preferred method of payment but cash will be taken at both September and October meetings only.
I am proposing a bus tour to Canberra for Floriade in September next year.
accommodation fills quickly for Floriade. So we need to book soon.
I have been in touch with Connect Coaches , a local company, and they have suggested a four day tour ( mid week) based on their 2023 trip which includes several sites to visit .
Cost is an approximate but based on 2023 would be around $ 1500 twin share and $1800 single.
See me at August meeting if you have an interest.
Carolynne. 0459280047
25-27 September 3day trip to Oberon to visit Mayfield Gardens and surrounds. 22 Members going.
17th August Saturday 2pm Sydney Male Choir. Tickets $45 at Sydney Town Hall.
15th October Lunch Japanese Gardens East Gosford. Names in September.
3rd December Christmas Lunch at Mingara. More details later. Carolynne
Upcoming event
John Farnham-Olivia Newton John Tribute Show
Date Saturday 17th August
Time 8pm
Venue The Art House Wyong
PROBUS bookings are closed for this show. The box office could advise if seats are still available for anyone interested.
Morning Melodies “French theme variety show”
Date Wednesday 11th September
Time 11am.Tickets $22.
All for now
Until next time
Lynne 0401071195
AUGUST 27 Garry Kennedy, Food Security. Return visit
SEPTEMBER 24 Mike Cruise for a return visit. His talk is “China,,, Friend of Foe”
OCTOBER 22 Ellen-Jean Kydd. Australian Plant Society Central Coast
WELFARE REPORT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Margaret Mahoney
It has been a very cold month, however I have not received a single ‘phone call of anyone being sick, which is good news. Until the Committee meeting where I learned that Lyn Lennox is unwell with bronchitis and Carolynne Roach also unwell with asthma. Laurette Rose is also on sick list.
Wishing them a speedy recovery.
I am taking names of members wanting to be selected for our team to play Glengara , Oct 8 , ( subject to confirmation) we are inviting some Bateau Bay bowlers who are considered friends of Probus to play with us, Our President wants me to get a competitive team to make the day a good contest.
Probus members that want to play must be regular club bowlers .
Of course members who wish to come and watch and have lunch are more that welcome. The cost of the day will be about $15, for both players and spectators having lunch .Names at next meeting please
Lynne Beale Guy Felice
Ron Boots Paul Kirkham
Julie Bowd Carol Mackillop
Coralie Carr Elizabeth McKew
Pat Collins Anne Maloney
Maureen Edwards Barry Tinkler
Next Committee Meeting in 10/9/2024 10.30am
Next General Meeting 24/9/24 10am
Treasurer. Julie Commins OAM 0429608050
Vice-President. Tom Roach 0402249455
Judy Bayliss 0428251146
Assist Sec. Lyn Lennox 0458332012
Social Convenor. Carolynne Roach 0459280047
BBQ Convenor. Wendy McRobie 0439811831
Theatre. Lynne Beale. 0401071195
Welfare. Margaret Mahoney 0408624086
Bowls. Tom Roach 0402249455
Raffles. Mary Anne Greck. 0403715497
Bulletin . Jenny Blair 0407206557
Guest Speakers Jenny Blair 0407206557
Diana Cooney Attendances & Membership 0423988102
Julie Bowd. Probus Cluster Representative
Public Officer. Julie Bowd
A couple of photos from our Christmas in July Cruise where everyone seemed to be having a good time.