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Standing Resolutions Agreed to by the Management Committee 13 February 2025


As we have adopted the PSPL model constitution it often refers to by-laws (of which we have none and none are recommended) or standing resolutions. The Constitution and Standing Resolutions together provide the framework for running the club.

The following Standard Resolutions are presented for adoption by members at a General Meeting

1. The Club shall be managed by a Management Committee comprising a President, one or more Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer and 8 other members to be responsible for Guest Speakers, Outings, Activities and/or Tours, Membership, Newsletter, Publicity, Welfare and such other activities as may be decided from time to time.

2. An election of officers and committee members (known as the Management Committee) shall be held at the Club’s Annual General Meeting which is to be held on or before March 31 in each year with the first Annual General Meeting to be held in 2026 in the following manner:

(a) A call for nominations in accordance with the Constitution

(b) Nominations shall require a proposer and seconder who are financial members of the Club

(c) A returning officer and, in the case of a secret ballot, a scrutineer, neither of whom are candidates for election, shall be appointed by the Management Committee.

3. The Club shall meet monthly from February to November at 10.00 am on the third Thursday of the month at the Merthyr Roar Uniting Church or at such other place or at such other time as the members decide.

4. The annual subscription payable by a member, for the year commencing on 1 April and ending on the following 31 March, and the joining fee payable by a new member will be set by the members. For members who join part way through a year, the annual subscription will be on a pro-rated over the quarters remaining in the membership year.

5. The Immediate Past President shall be an ex officio member of the Management Committee for the year following their term of office with voting rights

6. The Management Committee is authorised to appoint assistants to any of the positions on the Committee. Assistants are not sitting members of the Management Committee and are not entitled to vote except, if the assistant is acting for a member of the Management Committee who is absent then the assistant will have one vote.

7. The President, Vice-President or if there is more than one then the one first appointed, the Secretary and the Treasurer shall be signatories on the Club’s bank account provided always there are two signatories for each transaction. Furthermore, they are authorised to use an Electronic Funds Transfer on the account provided always that two signatories authorise each transaction.

8. Visitors may attend a maximum of 3 meetings and/or activities of the Club after which time they are to complete a membership application form.

9. The Club shall adopt the Risk Management Policy attached to these Standing Resolutions

10. The Club shall adopt a Refund and Payment Policy attached to these Standing Resolutions

11. For the purposes of the Associations Incorporation Act, 1981, the Public Officer of the Club will be the Secretary

12. For the purposes of the Income Tax Assessment Act and for the Australian Business Name Register, the Public Officer will be the Treasurer

13. The Standing Resolutions, other than those matters reserved for an Annual General Meeting, may be amended at any general meeting of the Club, where a quorum is present, by a majority vote of 75% of members present and voting.