AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Your committee:

President: Faye Fowler

[email protected]

ph 0427 852 744

Events Organisers: Richard & Meg Egglesfield [email protected] Richard ph 0419 032 090 Meg ph 0417 612 533

Vice President:

Jenny Cobbin

[email protected]

ph: 0419673 373

Guest Speaker Coordinator: Tracey Aldred [email protected] ph 0435 735 335

Secretary: Frank Aldred

[email protected]

ph 0412 642 248

Membership Secretary: Cathy Swain [email protected] ph 0438 892 123 please leave a message

Treasurer: Douglas Rowley [email protected]

ph 0418 253 302

Morning Tea Monitor: Merrilyn Hooper [email protected]

Assistant Secretary: Teresa Browne [email protected]

Welfare Officer: Paul Fowler [email protected] ph 0427 840 460

Assistant Treasurer: position vacant

Newsletter Editor: Sandra Gay

[email protected] ph 0400 966 234

Management Committee Meetings

Meets the second Thursday of the month. 

