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Our Club was formed on 14 April 1988 as a Men's Club but in 1991 it was decided by the members to invite the Women to join also. We celebrated our 35th Birthday of the Club in 2023 and had our Certificate presented by a member of our local Rotary Club.  A member from our Club made a special cake for the ceremony which was cut by our President along with our Rotary Guest and one of our members who joined the Club back in 1989. After this special meeting we all adjourned to a local Hotel for a special birthday lunch.

The birth of our club is recorded in the minutes of the Inaugural Meeting:


Our Club was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Tenambit-Morpeth with several from Rotary being our Foundation Members. This Rotary Club no longer exists and we now come under the umbrella of Rotary Club of East Maitland.