Photos below from our June meeting and Outings
Clyde River Fish & Chip Cruise on Monday the 19th of June, great day had by all.
Air Arm Museum at Albatross, small crew attnded on Thursday the 8th of June, very interesting talk given by Stuart from the Museum.
Vivien thanking Roger Kinsky for intersting talk about his life at our June meeting. Roger gave us a very full history of his life, from his grandparents to his children. His father was born in Czechoslovakia, (near Hungarian border) and some of his extended family died in concentration camp. Roger was one of 3 children, and lived on a farm, with distillery. His parents were German, and father spoke 5 languages. Father’s grandfather was Jewish. Father worked for Gestetner company and went to Singapore in 1939.
Photos below from the May 18 meeting
Guest Speaker Lauri Ball - "Impressions of Japan" Lauri was an amazing traveller, with over 60 countries he had been to. He left Australia for a working holiday and returned 35 years later. Lauri met his wife Yuriko in Paris, and married a few years later in Japan.
Chris Keefe, "Things We Collect", Active Committee, member and Raffle Organiser, Chris gave a great talk on being a collector.There was plenty of discussion form audience participants, and Chris gave us a desciption and some history on her own hobby collecting, "Sewing Machines", and Mizpah (Hebrew for Watchtower) and is a token worn by partners & lovers, during long seperation.
Photos below from April Meeting