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July 22, 2024

Dr. Christopher Chisholm-Maxwell

Subject "The Intelligent Mr. Kinghorn

  • Alexander Kinghorne was a child of Scottish enlightenment, an agricultural innovator, surveyor and incurable romantic. But at the age of 54, driven by adversity and hope, he chose to take his family to the Penal Colony of N.S.W. 

August 26th, 2024

Susan Alexander: International Tennis Player

  • Susan shares her story with honesty and humour about her memoir. A Spanish love affair which follows her journey from Narrabeen to the centre court at Wimbledon, and the adventure that led her to Spain

September 23rd, 2024

Rachel Eggers: Youth Justice Member from "Shine for Kids""

  • Rachel will be sharing some alarming statistics about Children with a parent in prison, the invisible victims of crime, and young people transitioning out of the Youth Justice system which  “Shine for Kids “ work tirelessly to support.

October 28th, 2024

David Rosenburg“PINE GAP”

  • David was employed as a civilian by the “United States National Security Agency” for 23 years, completing his last 18 years with the agency managing his home operations at the joint defence facility Pine Gap in Alice Springs.

November 25th, 2025

Sue Allison:  Sing Australia

  • Sue is currently a leader of Sing Australia St. George, a large community singing group of approximately 100 singers who are part of a National Organization called Sing Australia. She spoke about the many benefits of community singing.

January 20th 2025

Ian Small:  "The Kurrajongs

  • Ïan Small is the author of  the novel "The Kurrajongs" which he describes as a work of fact and fiction.  The book is set in both the present and past and is woven around a fascinating storey of the men who left Inverell to fight in WW1 and who were known as The Kurrajongs

February 24th, 2025 

Lilian Magill: Genealogist.

  •  Lilian is an experienced genealogist she has presented at the 2019 State Conference and in 2022 presented for the Genealogy show. She is a member of the Society of Australian Genealogists. Lilian is a Research Officer for the Botany Bay family history society. Genealogy is the study of families, family history and tracing their lineages. Lilian's talk is a brief look at how to start researching your ancestors, starting with yourself and working backwards. Lilian will show how to find information on certificates and how to record what you find.