Payneham Probus Club - Past Outings
(This page lists past events "for the record")
Tuesday 2nd April
The History of the Thorndon Park Reservoir and Rezz Hotel
- Hosted by the Historical Officer of the Campbelltown Council.
- Location - Thorndon Park.
- Lunch at the Rezz Hotel following.
Tuesday 5th March
Tour of Coopers Stadium at Norwood
- Join us at the Norwood Football Club for a tour with Barry Solomon.
- Commences at 10.30am.
- Explore the history and facilities of this iconic oval.
- Enjoy a delicious pub lunch nearby.
- More details to come.
Tuesday 6th February
Lochend House Tour
- Lochend Drive, Campbelltown (in Lochiel Park).
- Please arrive at 1.45pm for a 2.00pm start.
- Entry $10.00 (Cash only).
- Tea, coffee, water, scone with jam and cream, history talk and short slide show is included.
- Access is from Hill Street - follow the road to Lochiel Parkway then turn right onto Lochend Drive.
- Free parking on site.
Monday 13th November - 17th November.
Kangaroo Island Tour
- 14 hotel accommodation rooms are available for our tour. (twin share or single). Limit of 20 people for the tour.
- Return bus pickup from Sicilia Club.
- The Sicilia Club has kindly offered secure car parking behind locked gates at the club.
- Twin-share is $1399 pp, $250 supplement for single travellers. This represents an $100 discount per person.
- Deposit of $200 per person required by end of March and full payment by 9th October 2023 with all payments to the Treasurer.
- Note that the bus has 4 steps which will need to be used multiple times per day. Otherwise some walking required to access some attractions.
Tuesday 7th November
Melbourne Cup Luncheon
- Join us at the Payneham Bowling Club, 402 Payneham Rd., GLYNDE.
- Starts at 11.00am
- Why not bring a friend and enjoy a 2-course meal for $30.00 per person.
- Sweepstakes, place getter's game, and the ever popular Calcutta Cup
- Prizes for the best dressed.
- Contact Grace for more information.
- Bookings essential - contact Grace by 1st October.
Tuesday 17th October
Probus Day - Picnic at Felixstowe Reserve
Probus Clubs celebrate Probus Day and this year our club will be celebrating with a picnic held at the Felixstow Reserve. We ask that you wear something in the Probus colours of Blue and Yellow. It can be as easy as wearing a yellow and blue ribbon. You will need to provide your own lunch, drinks, coffee and chairs. Family and friends are also welcomed to come along.
Tuesday 5th September
Australian Lions Hearing Dogs
For over 40 years, Australian Lions Hearing Dogs (ALHD) has been providing Australians who are deaf or hard of hea
ring a set of ‘furry ears’ free of charge. In 2020, ALHD delivered just over 650 Australians a professionally trained Hearing Assistance Dog.
One in six Australians suffer from some form of hearing loss and this number continues to rise. Currently, more than 400,000 Australians are suffering from severe or profound hearing loss. Factors impacting these difficu
lties range from our aging population to noise or occupation induced hearing loss. Many are deaf from birth as well. Hearing difficulties hurt more than just the individuals inflicted, it flows onto their friends and families.
This is where Australian Lions Hearing Dogs makes a real difference.
(There will be a small entrance fee to cover the cost of hall hire. Morning tea provided)
Tuesday 1st August
Jam Factory Visit
- Self drive, free tour at 11.00am.
- 19 Morphett St, Tarntanya/Adelaide
Tuesday 4th July

Christmas in July at the Windsor Hotel
- Cost: $23.90 for 2 courses.
Self drive.- Ample parking.
- Partners and friends welcome to join.
- 410 North East Road, Windsor Gardens SA 5087
Tuesday 2nd May 2023

Visit to Karkoo Nursery, Oakbank
- Lunch at restaurant.
- Transport by bus.
- More to come.
Tuesday 7th March 2023
Visit to Australia Space Discovery Centre
- This outing will be shared with Unley Probus who have accepted our invitation to join the event.
- No cost involved
- Meet at 10.00am
- McEwin Building, Corner North Terrace and Frome Rd
- There is a 'U Park' directly opposite the Discovery Centre on North Terrace.
Tuesday 7th February 2023
West Lakes Cruise
Tuesday 1st November 2022 - Melbourne Cup Luncheon
18th October 2022 - Visit to Monarto Zoo
Tuesday 2nd August 2022 - Tour of National Wine Centre
Tuesday 19th April 2022
Tuesday 29th March 2022
Tuesday 30th November
Mystery Day Tour with Aust-Wide Tours
- Cost $40 pp - to be paid to Bob Rudolph by 16th November meeting.
- Travel on luxury air-conditioned 5-star coach.
- Tour includes morning tea of tea, coffee or Milo and biscuits.
- Departs 101 Muller Rd., Hampstead Gardens at 8.45am. (Car parking at own risk).
- Lunch is own cost.
- Destinations may include Barossa Valley, Goolwa, Clare, Victor Harbor, Adelaide Hills, Moonta, Kadina.
Tuesday 28th September (8.00am to about 5.30pm)
Goolwa Cockle Train - Goolwa to Victor Harbor and Return
Cost - $70 per person.
- Transport from Marden.
- Morning Coffee.
- Cockle Train ($28.50 value).
- 2 Course lunch.
- Free time for shopping and sight seeing.
- Transport back to Marden.
Please advise Viv Blandy as soon as possible if you wish to be a part of this great day out.
Payment required by 21st September meeting (payment to Bob Rudolph - cash (in an envelope with your name), card, cheque or bank transfer.
Tuesday, 22nd August
Capri Heritage Theatre - Claire Baker Organ Concert
Claire Baker was one of the very small number of organists invited by the City of Adelaide to perform in the Adelaide Town Hall, as part of the ‘Organ Concert Series’ last year. When there were no live audiences, Claire was seen by thousands on electronic media. Claire’s last concert at the Capri with the Band of the South Australian Police was absolutely jam packed. She is clearly versatile, and her performances at the Capri on New Year’s Eve with Peter Goers and Anne Wills, have been a staple for more than a decade. Rosie Hosking has performed to more than 25,000 at the Adelaide Oval, and regularly features at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre and Convention Centre. Rosie’s achievements include the “Phantom of the Opera”, “The Magic Flute” with the State Opera, but her career achievements are too long to list. She is a true world class professional and not to be missed.
- Sunday 22nd August 2021 at the Capri Theatre
- Des’ Mini Bus - Maximum of 24 seats available
- Cost per head $50pp
- 10am depart 61-65 Portrush Rd, Marden SA 5070 (Bus stop 13d, Near Mars Centre) for Capri Heritage Theatre Goodwood (Des’ Mini-Bus 24 seats max)
- 3 min walk (230 metres) to Ginger’s Coffee Studio (Mains only included in tour price. Members pay for all extras i.e., desserts, coffee, drinks etc).
- 11am – 13.00am Gingers pre-order mains as marked on the menu (See Viv to view and select menu when booking)
- 2.00pm Performance by renowned musicians Claire Baker and Rosanne Hosking, described asb‘Fun; exciting; sometimes serious; - but Always Entertaining; and that’s just both of them!’
- Concert finishes at 3.50pm.
- 4.30pm departure to MARS Centre
- Please book asap and definitely before 13th August by texting your name and phone/mobile numberViv’s mobile 0407182 776 or call and leave a message.
- Firm bookings and payments must be made by 17 August 2021 meeting.
- No refunds after booking is made.
- For your own safety and the safety of others, masks are mandatory for the day.
- Please wear a mask on arrival at the MARS Centre and only remove when eating or drinking. Please bring a spare(s) and hand cleanser.
Tuesday, 22nd June
Capri Heritage Theatre
Link for "Dream Horse" trailer -
Tuesday, 11th May
Hahndorf Hills Tour
- Enjoy a day out in the beautiful Adelaide Hills and the unique village of Hahndorf.
- Includes morning tea at the Mt Lofty scenic lookout.
- Browse Hahndorf.
- Visit Melba's Chocolate Factory and cheese wrights.
- Bus will depart MARS Sports Centre, Portrush Road.
- Depart at 9.00am and arrive back at 4.30pm.
- Cost $55 per person, (based on 24 persons).
Tuesday, 13th April
Victor Harbor Tour
- Day trip to Fleurieu Peninsular and Victor Harbor.
- Lunch at the Victor Harbor Hotel included.
- Bus will depart from MARS Sports Centre, Lower Portrush Rd.
- Depart 8.15am, arive back at 4.00pm.
- Cost $55 per person, (based on 24 persons).
Tuesday, 9th March
Dolphin Explorer Cruise
- Port River area in search of dolphins in their natural habitat.
- Delicious on board lunch.
- Bus will depart from MARS Sports Centre, Lower Portrush Road.
- Tour departs 9.00am and arrives back at 3.00pm.
- Cost $54 per person (based on 24 persons).
Wednesday 5th February or Saturday 8th, 2020
Senior Moments 2
Time: 2.00 pm. (Matinee performances)
Place: Dunstan Playhouse
Cost: $55.50 (concession) to be paid to Pat by December 17th meeting.
Tuesday 18th February, 2020
Visit to the Planetarium, UniSA Mawson Lakes Campus at 11.00 am.
(Please arrive 15 minutes earlier).
See projected images of the starry sky on an 8 metre dome and have a virtual guided tour of the Solar System
and the Universe.
Find our about our stars, back holes, the Milky Way, the planets, phases of the moon, asteroids, space
exploration and more ....
Cost: $8 concession, to be paid to Pat by January meeting.
- Please arrive 15 minutes before the session.
- Situated on level 2 (lifts available).
- Lights will be dimmed so most of the session will occur in darkness.
- Session will last for 50 minutes.
- Please talk to the astronomy educator if you want to take photographs.
- Please move quietly up the stairs as there may be classes in adjacent classrooms.
- Some ticketed parking available in front of MM (white) building in ML6 carpark.
- Vehicle registration number will need to be entered at pay station.
- (There may also be parking along University Boulevard and at the nearby Woolworths or Mawson Lakes Hotel.
Lunch at the Mawson Lakes Hotel after the visit.
Tuesday 19th November, 2019
Tour of Ayers House
Time: 11.00am
Place: 288 North Terrace, Adelaide
Cost: $13
Lunch at the Elephant British Hotel, 1 Cinema Place.
Tuesday 29th October, 2019
Visit to David Roche Foundation Museum
Time: 10.00am to 11.30am
Place: 241 Melbourne St., North Adelaide.
Optional lunch at the Hampstead Hotel, 143 North East Rd., Broadview
Tuesday 1st October, 2019,
Tour of Parliament House - hosted by Vincent Tarzia MP.
Starts at 10.00am. Meet outside at 09.50am
Lunch at the London Tavern after the tour.
(The London Tavern is in the Myer Centre-
enter via North Terrace)
Sunday, 29th September, 2019
Kinky Boots at the Arts Theatre
Cost: $32 if paid by July 23rd
Venue: Arts Theatre 53 Angas St.
Kinky Boots is a musical featuring Cyndi Lauper songs.
It is based on true events when Charlie Price inherits a shoe factory and teams with drag queen Lola to prodce Kinky high heeled boots. The musical won many awards and was made into a film in 2005.
Tuesday 17th September, 2019y Bus Trip to Anlaby Station 
Day Bus Trip to Anlaby Station
Depart: from Mars Stadium carpark at 9.00am,
Return: 4.45pm
Lunch included
Cost: $70 per person
Contact Richard for more information
Sunday, 14th July, 2019
Christmas in July
Cost : $35 per person.
Includes 4 course meal (antipasto, pasta, turkey, Xmas pudding, tea/coffee).
Drinks available for purchase at bar.
Children 6-12 yrs $20
Children < 5 yrs free (pasta only meal)
Live Band
Guest Appearance by “Father Xmas”
Tuesday, 2nd July, 2019
Tour of International School of Catering, Regency Park.
Following the tour, we will meet for lunch at the Tiros@Regency.
Cost will be $26.50 for a 2 course meal and coffee.
Payment due at June meeting.
Tuesday, 18th June 2019
Graeme Hugo's Country Music
Come join Aust-Wide Tours on a fun filled day to Kulpara and visit Sunnyvale. We will be greeted with morning tea and a chance to browse around the souvenir shop, followed by an hour and a half concert performed by Graham and friends in the church hall. We then head into the dining hall for a 2 course BBQ before returning to Adelaide.
Depart from the MARS Sporting Complex, 43 - 63 Lower Portrush Rd., MARDEN at 8.30 am and return at 4.30pm
Cots $81 pp. includes coach travel, morning tea and lunch. 5 star luxury coach - video, toilet and A/C.
Tuesday, 11th June, 2019
Visit to Police Museum, Thebarton Barracks
Getting there: Board bus at Mars Sporting Complex,
43 Lower Portrush Rd., MARDEN.
When: 9.30am
10.00 to 11.00am. guided tour
11.00am morning tea
11.30am resume tour
12.30pm depart for return
Saturday, 4th May 2019
Where: Festival Theatre, Adelaide,
Tuesday, 30th April 2019
Dressed for Success
Tuesday 19th March 2019
Saturday, 9th February 2019
at the Dunstan Playhouse, Festival Theatre
Tuesday 30th October,10.30am
High Tea and Shopping at Wohlers, 165 Richmond Road, Richmond. 10.30am.
Saturday 6th October
Tuesday 18th September
Tuesday 11th September
Saturday 8th September 2018
Tuesday 7th August
Tuesday, 15th May
Tuesday 17th April
Tuesday 10th April
Monday 26th March
Tuesday, 13th February: 10.30am to 11.30am
Migration Museum Tour
Address: 82 Kintore Avenue, Adelaide.
Cost: $5.00 per person.
Getting there: Suggest bus to the city and then walk north along Gawler Place. (The Museum is behind the State Library).
Lunch: You can join us for lunch at the London Tavern, downstairs, at 175 North Terrace, Adelaide.
Tuesday 31st October - Dressed for Success
Tuesday 17th October - Trip to Moonta
Our EXCELLENT Newsletter contains detailed information regarding parking, arrangements for payment and deadlines, the menu at the Royal Hotel and other important information.
Tuesday, 29th August: Nostalgia Theatre -
Tuesday, 15th August 2017: Trip to Monarto Zoo
Tuesday, 1st August: Dressed for Success -
Wednesday, 21st June: Food Secrets of Glynde and Stepney Tour
Friday, 28th April: Visit to SAHMRI - (SA Health and Medical Research Institute). North Terrace, ADELAIDE, SA5000
Tuesday 14th March: Cruise with Princess Cruises-
Tuesday, 7th March: Dressed for Success -
Tuesday, 14th February: Coffee at Lochiel Par 3 Golf Course.
It's part of our "Regular Activities" folks but is also included here so you don't miss it ;>)
Another great day with perfect weather and great company!
Payneham Probus Club: Meeting Schedule and Entertainment
18th October, Tuesday, 2016
A great time was had by Payneham Probus members who took the opportunity to add to their wardrobes with the extensive range of merchandise available.
Coorong Discovery Cruise
(via Aust-wide Tours, 8261 4891)
- morning tea
- 4hr luncheon cruise
- afternoon tea, walk and nature talk
Leave from Aust-wide Car Park at 8.30am, 101 Muller Rd, HAMPSTEAD GARDENS
Cost - special price of $125 (for bookings of 35 or more people)
A cruise report and photos have been posted in the photo gallery.
14th October, Friday, 2016
A Combined Probus BBQ
An informal gathering of members of Probus Clubs in our area.
When: Friday 14th October 2016 at 4.30p.m.
Where: Thorndon Park, Cnr. Gorge Road and Hamilton Terrace, Paradise
Please BYO drinks and chairs.
Payneham Probus Club will organise the food.
For catering purposes, please let Pat Brown know by our meeting on 27th September, or Tel. 0437
324 445 if you would like to attend.