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Next outing will be : 


Friday the 26th of April at 9:45am. We have our usual Probus club meeting at the Papakura Club on Croskery rd. Following the ten minute speaker there will be the usual tea, coffee and biscuits. 

0ur guest speaker Will be Richard Blakebrough from Independent Living.

Thursday the 2nd of May at 11:45 am is our Romeo Lunch at Grounded Roots in Papakura. Opposite the Court House on the Great South Road.

Thursday the 16th of May is an outing to the local Auckland Botanic Gardens and a 30 minute rideon the Wiri Rambler around the walkway. Lunch follows at the adjacent Miko Café. More details tofollow. This outing is for all members and while partners are most welcome, it is not a requirement.


Read the Newsletter for more information on activities.