AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


       * Bookings essential as marked 

Thur 13th Mar     Members Meeting followed by Annual General Meeting  9.45am for a 10am Start

Thur 20th Mar   *Outing to Moonlit Wildlife Sanctuary Pearcedale    Meet at 10am at the Sanctuary

Thur 27th Mar   *Dine Out at The Hill, Parkhill Drive Berwick  Happy Hour-5pm  Dinner -6pm

Thur  3rd Apr      Coffee Morning  10am  at Cardinia Club

Thur 10th Apr     Member’s Meeting 9.45am for a 10am Start  Venue to be advised

Thur 10th Apr   *Lightfall show at Cranbourne Gardens—Tour Local pick up at 5.45pm   $55

Sat12th Apr-Thur 17th April    *Trip to South Australia with Tour Local


Walking Group       Mondays   Meet 9.50 for a 10am departure

1st  Mon in month      Club Officer                      2nd Mon in month Heritage Springs Shop Ctr

3rd  Mon in month      Deep Creek Reserve       4th  Mon in month  Oven Kraft

5th  Mon in month      Cardinia Cultural Centre - Lakeside


Ten Pin Bowling     First Wed of the month - next meet on March 5th at 10am


Craft Group             Alt Tuesdays 11am. Chat and Craft   BYO Lunch 


Events                                   Concerts and Theatre ONLY -  Bank Account    BSB 633 000 Acc No 220 127 302 

Fri     21st Mar      Melbourne Celtic Roadshow                         9.30am  Bunjil                       $23

Fri       4th Apr     Anthony Calea and Tim Campbell                 7.30pm  Warragul           Sold Out

Fri      2nd May      Melinda Schneider  - A Farewell to Doris       9.30am  Bunjil                      $23

Thu  22nd May      The Ten Tenors                                                2pm  Bunjil                     $111

Wed   23rd Jul       Taste Of Tamworth                                         10am  Cardinia Cul Ctr        $25


Please note: any of the above details may change