AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Monthly meetings

Our Member's Meeting is held on the second Thursday of the month at 10:00 am.

After a short meeting that includes reports from the activity groups e enjoy morning tea, and have a chat until 11:00 am. An invited speaker gives a short presentation followed by Q&A, the door prize is given out. Many members also enjoy lunch together at the conclusion of the meetig. 

Speakers have presented on :

Enduring Power of Attorney,

Angel flights for remote patients,

Schools in Timor-Leste,

Elder Abuse,

Old Books,

My AgedCare,

Life in the NT,

Yvonne's Gadgets

Lockys Legacy

Assitance Dogs

Ladies of the Swamp

The Dunny Man

Members also provide us with interesting life stories and adventures.