Postal Address: Ourimbah Combined Probus Club Inc, 7 Yera Cl Narara NSW2250
Executive Committee:
PRESIDENT: Steve Hooper
VICE-PRESIDENT: Sandra Laidlaw
SECRETARY: Maureen Green
TREASURER: Robyn Nutter
MEMBERSHIP: Felicity Mison assistant Sue Thompson
ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR: Di Singleton email :
[email protected]....
assisted by Trish Hall
GUEST SPEAKERS: Gerdina van Dalen
WELFARE: Jenny Caines
AMBASSADOR: Steve Hooper
The Club now meets 10am for 10.30 am start on the first Wednesday of each month at The West Gosford RSL situated at West Gosford on Cental Coast Highway. Room no may vary but usually Room 1 top Floor Gallery Level. Please check the noticeboard for Room No when you arrive.
VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME! Check in with Felicity or Sue when you arrive and we can take your details and make you feel welcome.