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Our 2023 Committee

(Elected on the 08 March 2024)


Bill Jordan                0490 741 289  

Vice President 

Chris Bayes 0405 384 530
Past President Sue Bruce 0419 387 585

Secretary/Public Officer 

Sandy Rodman 0418 355 381


Chris Bayes 0405 384 530

Tours and Visits Organisers 1

Sandra Brooks  0449 143 611

Tours and Visits Organisers 2

Gillian Lojek 0435 120 434

Guest Speaker Co-ordinator

Chris Bayes 0405 384 530

Welfare Officer

Sue Bruce 0419 387 585
Membership & Catering Ronnie Darby 0419 352 861
General Committee Member 1 Libby Rotheram 0408 750 035

General committee member 2


Welcoming & Attendance

Gina Parker 0427 525 529

Welcoming & Attendance

Lois Gleeson 0410 581 316


Janine Bayne  0418 313 064