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   Welcome to the New Town - Lenah Valley Combined Probus Club Inc., Website.

Make new friends, listen to interesting guest speakers, learn a new skill, explore new interests and hobbies - there is so much to choose from when you become a member of our Probus Club.  Come and meet  us  and we hope that you find what you are looking for. We would be happy to hear from you. 

The New Town - Lenah Valley Combined Probus Club, Inc was founded in 1993.


New Town - Lenah Valley is a combined club open to Men and Women.

Our Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the New Town Bay Rowing Centre Function Facility, 5 Marine Esplanade, New Town.

Meetings commence at 10.00 am with a business session then a break for morning tea followed by a Guest Speaker and finish by 12.00 noon.

We offer members the opportunity to attend a monthly outing on the 4th Wednesday each month.

We have a games morning on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday each month.

There is also a walking group that walk each fortnight on the 2nd and 4th Thursday each month.

We have a Coffee Club and Tastes of the Wrorld Lunches.


PROBUS is an association of retired and semi-retired people who join together to provide regular opportunities to keep the mind active, expand interests and enjoy the fellowship of new friends.

The word PROBUS is an amalgum of the words PROfessional and BUSiness.

Clubs are non-political and non-sectarian; non-profit making and non-fundraising.

PROBUS originated in the United Kingdom in 1965 and is now a world-wide movement.  It's phenomenal growth is testament to the need for today's retirees to remain active and involved with a group of like-minded people. There are Men's Clubs, Ladies Clubs and Combined Clubs. 

All Probus Clubs are sponsored by Rotary Clubs, but after formation are self governing and adhere to a basic Constitution established by Probus South Pacific Ltd in order to preserve the integrity and reputation of Probus.


Membership is open to members of the community who are retired or semi-retired, are of good character and who appreciate and value opportunities for social contact with others.

A requirement for our Club is that interested people are sponsored by a current financial member and attend at least two meetings as a visitor to see if they feel comfortable before committing to join.  If they do not have a sponsor, one can be arranged for them.

New Members will be introduced to the Club by their sponsor in a brief ceremony during a meeting.


There is an annual membership fee payable upon joining.  Fees are set annually and become due at the AGM held in March each year.   The fees are $20 per annum for 2024/25 year.

All members pay an entry fee at each meeting to cover the cost of venue hire and morning tea. 

Currently this is $10 per meeting.