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June 10
Special event: Club’s 40th Birthday brunch, bubbles and blues (and other music). A special morning at the club.

June 29
The Hive coffee morning

July 8
You may not have heard of Eglantine Jebb but you would know of Save the Children. Toni Crossland will talk about
this remarkable English social actavist, her life and her many achievements.

July 19

 Soup Sundowner at home of Frank and Mary-Helen Smith

July 27
The Hive Coffee Morning

12 August
Imagine seeing a face but not being able to recognise it at a subsequent meeting. This is what people – even
some famous ones – have to contend with. Dr David Thorne’s topic will introduce us to the unusual condition,

August 31
The Hive Coffee Morning

September 6
PAWA Pasta in the Valley

September 9
Encore presentation “Insurrection, Insemination (of pigs) and Insubordination (of students)" by three of our members.  Back by popular demand!

September 28
The Hive Coffee Morning