AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Probus Club of Mt Druitt Inc

Welcome to our Club!



Our Club consists of retired or semi retired men and women who appreciate getting to know other active retirees in our local community. 

Probus is all about enjoying the friendship of like-minded people. 


Our Club meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10.30am at West HQ Sherbrooke Street, Rooty Hill.  The actual Meeting Room is advised via our newsletter which is normally sent to all who have email addresses, on the Monday prior to the meeting

We commence with morning tea and each month we invite a different Guest Speaker covering wide and varied topics.

Our travel coordinators arrange some fantastic day trips at least once a month and have at least one 5 day coach trip each year.  These trips are always very popular and enjoyed by everyone who attends.

After our meeting finishes around noon many of us head off downstairs for lunch at the Club. or one of a couple of pubs in the area.  Visitors are most welcome. For any enquiries please contact Erica Brooks 02 983203221