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Welcome to Montmorency Petrie Park Probus Club

We meet at 10.00 am on the 3rd Wednesday each month at Montmorency Eltham RSL (MERSL), Petrie Park, 16 Mountainview Parade, Montmorency 3093.

A big thank you to the Committee of Management and Staff of the RSL for your continued hospitality.  More information about the MERSL can be found here.


Our activities include:

  • Dine Outs to local restaurants
  • Yearly caravan and cabin trip (to Bendigo this month)
  • Live Theatre
  • Walking group
  • Book Club
  • Games Group
  • Football Tipping
  • Informal groups, to movies and AFL football (MCC Members).  Members are encouraged organise events on a one off.
  • Morning Coffee at Greensborough Shopping Centre