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Upcoming Trips & Outings


For live shows, payments are due in the month before the shows, and final numbers required 6 weeks prior. See lists on the table at meetings.

Swan Hill Bus Trip

17th March- 21st March

Twin room- $550pp
Single room- $830

Tramways Band

23rd March, 2:30pm
Big and Brass Band at Wattle Park.

Tramways Band

13th April, 2:30pm
Big and Brass Band at Wattle Park.

Mid Week Matinees

10am morning tea, 11am show starts.
20 tickets per show at $23 per ticket.

16th April- Shaken not Stirred
28th May- Both Sides
16th July-  Legrand and Beyond
6th Aug- The Australian Ballet School
22nd Oct- The Mysic of Andrew Lloyd Webber 

My Fair Lady

15th June, 1:30pm at the Round.
$55 per person.


Past Trips & Outings


On 18th March, 20 people went to Hamilton for 5 days.

MCG Tour

On 16 August 2023, 9 members visited the MCG. We were given wrist bands which allowed us to access information about the displays. Lots to be seen, so many sports were represented.

Cottage by the Sea

Fourteen members went in a Budget hire bus on 19th October 2022, which was a perfect spring day. On the way, they enjoyed a coffee break then fish and chips.

The staff at Cottage by the Sea were delighted to receive the many bags of donated clothes, food and toiiletries that we contributed and organised. The Cottage offers underpriveldged children to stay a week and they are provided with regular breakfasts, fun activities, and new clothes, toys and rug to take home.

Visit to Healesville RACV Club

A luncheon on 17th August 2022 was enjoyed by 19 members. We car pooled and enjoyed a delicious lunch.




Visit to Margaret's Garden

Great to be able to socilaise once again while taking in Margaret's lovely garden.

BBQ Lunch at Halliday Park

Time to have a chat with other members.

HMS Victory at the Ship Yard

We all took it in turns to visit the ship yard in Heathmont and take in the detail and shows of the great model ship of the HMS Victory.