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Guest speakers

We meet at 9:30am on the second Wednesday of every month in the Studio Room at the Whitehorse Centre at the rear of the City of Whitehorses offices.  Each meeting includes morning tea and a guest speaker on a topic of interest. Visitors are always welcome to come along to any of these meetings.

Upcoming speakers 

  • TBA

Past speakers

  • Geoff Ryal about witty storys
  • Diane Fisher, about polio vaccinations in India
  • Janet Werkmeister, about the Melbourne's roaring twenties.
  • Bruce Roberts who spoke about teaching English in China.

  • Barry Gomm who spoke about Ginger Meggs, Dorothy Baker and interesting tales from Channel 9.
  • How it took 2 men 3 three years to create a model of the HMS Victory with a 1:32 scale.
  • Lorraine Smith who spoke about a parchment that she researched after she found it in an old book in a book shop.
  • Cliff Hardy who spoke abut his life from living in London during WW2, to migrating to Melbourne, working, then retring and volunteering. 
  • DVD- How the defibulator works
  • Pam Haigh spoke about Seeing Eye Dogs
  • A Yarra River Keeper visited
  • Barry Gomm spoke about Dorothy Baker
  • Representative from grandmothers supporting orphans of Aids in Africa