Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on 18 February 2025 10am.
General meetings WESTS LAKESIDE Golf Club, 50 Raby Rd Gledswood Hills. in the Waratah Room, Western Suburbs League Club, 10 Old Leumeah Road, Leumeah on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Meetings start promptly at 10am with a break for morning tea ($5) and conclude at 12pm, followed by lunch.
If you are unable to attend the next meeting, please click here to submit your aplogies.
Dates of future meetings:
18 February 2025. This meeting will be leald at Wests Lakeside 50 Raby Rd, Gledswood Hills. Guest speaker is Denys Cato as Medical Officer for U.N.
18 March 2025. AGM. This meeting will be leald at Wests Leagues Club, Leumeah.
15 April 2025. This meeting will be leald at WestsLeagues Club, Leumeah.
20 May 2024.