The March 2025 meeting is our AGM and the begining of the new Probus year, so annual fees will be due and payable before 30 April 2025.
Membership Renewal Fees for 2025 will be $35
Joining Fees for new members will be $55
Membership fees can be paid in cash at the March or April meeting or if you wish to pay your fees online the details are as follows for a bank transfer:
Account Name: Probus Minto Main
Bank BSB: 122 723 (Bank of Queensland).
Bank Account number: 2289 2165
Bank reference - please use your name ie. "SSmith FEES". Please one payment per person to assist with book keeping.
nb: This account is different to that used for event payments.
Minto Probus Club Policies:
Risk_Management__Privacy_Policy_Minto_Probus.pdf and Minto_Tours_Policy.pdf
Minto Probus Club Constitution: Signed_Constitution.pdf
Minto Probus Club Standing Resolutions: Signed_Standing_Resolutions.pdf