Manly District Probus Club is proud to call itself “the Happy Club.”
General meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month from 11:30 at The Builders Club, 18 Fisher Road, Dee Why. Members have the option to purchase lunch from the comprehensive menu. Fees for new members are - a joining fee of $10, a membership fee of $35, the latter being reduced depending on the joining date. Annual membership renewal is currently $35 due from 1 April each year.
Life Memberships, up to a total of three in number, can be awarded to longer-term members who are deemed by the Committee to have made a substantial contribution to the Club. Current Life Members are Clare Hurley, Lyn Brinson and Patrick Grundy.
Our 2022 President, Pat Grundy.
The James Ross Memorial Trophy.
James Ross was a former member of the Club who joined in 2008. He loved being a member, enjoyed Club activities and made many friends. In his latter years ill-health affected his attendance and, when diagnosed with terminal cancer, he offered to set up an annual memorial trophy which would recognise members with a minimum of ten years membership who had made an outstanding contribution to the Club. Recipients have been the late Les Wiltshire in 2017. in 2018 Clare Hurley, 2019 Lyn Brinson, 2020 Pat Grundy, 2021, Ken Longfield.. Our 2022 recipient is Carl Gunther.
Probus Committee 2022 ready for a new year when, hopefully, we can meet and travel more freely.