AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Ladies Probus Club of Majura Inc.


We meet at Yowani Country Club at 10.00am on the first Tuesday of each month, except January.

A typical meeting includes :

# Club President's welcome message and "housekeeping" items.

# Some short funny stories to "warm up"

# Birthday greetings to members celebrating a birthday this month

# Induction of new members, if there are any this month

# Signing off on minutes of previous meeting

# Brief reports from President, Treasurer, Secretary and various committee members.

# A 3-5 minute "profile talk" from a club member

# Friendship Break and morning tea - approximately 30 minutes to chat and socialise. 

 # Guest speaker talk.

The meeting is closed at or just before midday.

At our meetings we also have:

Outings Table: Members can find out about, and sign up for,  upcoming club outings.

Book Table: Members bring along books that they have read and are happy to donate for others to enjoy. Members may take a book home and return it again, if they wish, for others to read.

Raffle: Tickets sold for $1.00 each at the meeting. Prizes: 1st $10.00 2nd $5.00. Profits subsidise our club Birthday & Christmas lunches.