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History of Lindfield East Probus

Early in 1990 the Rotary club of Lindfield saw the need for a Probus Club in the Roseville area, and the inaugural meeting of the (then) Probus Club of Roseville was held on 10 May 1990.

The club started with 24 foundation members, and within 3 months had a regular program of meetings, activities and guest speakers.  Three of the Foundation members are still members today and continue to support our club activities.

In June 1995 our name was changed to the Probus Club of Lindfield East to avoid confusion with the then Rosevllle Ladies Probus Club.  We chose Lindfield East for our new name as we had for some years met at Lindfield East Bowling Club.

We met at East Lindfield Bowling Club for our first 13 years after our inauguration.  This venue became unavailable in 2003 and the Roseville golf Club was soon accepted as the regular venue for our monthly meetings, and remains so to the present.

The benefits of incorporation became apparent as a means to provide an element of protection to members and the Management Committee, and our Certificate of Incorporation was issued to the club on 20 October 1999.

The Club was formed as a Mens Club, at a time when Probus recognised Mens Clubs and Ladies Clubs. The concept of a Probus Club for both men and women was introduced, to become known as a Combined Club. We had for many years included partners in most of our activities, and in 2017 we completed the necessary changes to our Constitution and Standing Resolutions to enable us to become a Combined Club.  These changes were adopted by the members on 13 June 2017, and our first ‘lady members’ joined soon afterwards. Our Standing Resolutions allow us to maintain a position where we have an approximately equal number of men and women in the club.