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As I write this final report for the Probus year, I want to acknowledge the fantastic support of our Committee – the Club would not exist without them. They have been the driving force of our organization and kept us viable. Our Secretary Pat Bonnici, Treasurer Lidia Ceccato, Vice President Rosalie Chaloner, Membership Officer Catherine Winn, Welfare Officer Barbara Roberts, Theatre Party Organiser Robyn Cook, Program Officer Robyn Keay, Activities Officer Pam Hilder, Editor and Historian Chris Keay, Castle Hill Players Coordinator Jean Churchward, Walking Group Planner Joan Whitehead and Movie Group Pat Bonnici. As you can see, a great variety of activities go to make a great club.

It also gives us an opportunity to make new friends and be a part of the local community.

It has been an honour and a great pleasure to be your President for the last 12 months or so and I hope and trust that you will support the incoming President Rosalie Chaloner to the same extent during her year.

Can I leave you with this challenge – invite a friend to Probus, be proactive and think about taking on a role this year in Probus.

Thank you for your support.

Burt Stuut.  


In December last year, Kenthurst Combined Probus Club celebrated a significant milestone – the 25th anniversary of the founding of the club in 1997. Very few of those foundation members are still with us, but some of them attended and were made welcome at our “Birthday Party”. Over the intervening years, our numbers did reach our limit of 120, when we actually had a waiting list to join. Sadly, our numbers are now in decline, with less than 40 current members. These decreasing numbers are reflected in our Financial Reports for the year, when our income was insufficient to cover our fixed costs, resulting in a loss. Our bank balance is still quite healthy, but if we don’t get more members, we will need to raise our fees next year.

The new Management Committee for the coming Probus year is much the same as it was. Sadly, we say goodbye to Pam Hilder, who has done a fantastic job as our Activities Officer for many years and in that time arranged many varied functions, outings and memorable trips. She will be replaced by Judy Dykes, who has lots of good events in store for us. After serving in many roles over recent years, lately as our Membership Officer, Catherine Winn is no longer able to continue as a Committee Member. We thank both of these ladies for their wonderful service and wish them well.

The remaining Committee positions will once again be filled by the previous incumbents, who obviously have lots of experience in their roles, but who no doubt would welcome a break if others made themselves available to help out. Once more, no one has stepped forward to fill the position of Vice President, a role vital to maintaining the continuity and viability of a healthy Probus Club. We thank Maureen Meryment for agreeing to becoming our Hospitality Officer. Please think about volunteering to keep the Club functioning into the future.

A big THANK YOU to the irrepressible Burt Stuut, who comes to the end of his second official term as President – our Club has been so fortunate in having him lead us in such a fun and positive manner through some difficult times over the last 18 months. We all wish him well in his new role as Membership Officer.

Our current Vice President, Rosalie Chaloner, automatically becomes our President for 2023-2024. She is full of fresh ideas and will continue to contribute positively to the future, as she has so far, and we all wish her success in her new leadership role.                                   Regards, Pat Bonnici.