AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Meetings are held on the second Monday each month with the exception of January.

They are held at the Wilton Bowling Club, 122 Wilton Road,  from 12 pm.  Lunch is served at 12.30 pm and the Club's busisness gets underway by 1 pm.  Most members have left by 1.45 pm.


Our AGM in March was held on March 13 and here is the outgoing President, Murray Fletcher, handing over the chain of office to or new President, Warwick Marriott

Meetings for the rest of the year are:

April 17 (note-  one week later because of Easter)

May  8

June  13

July. 10

August 14

September 11

October  9

November 13

December  11