Our Club, Probus Club of Karori, was formed in 1991. The decision to form a Club in Karori was the joint decision of and support from the Rotary Clubs of Karori and Wellington Central Probus. The work involved in getting a Club established was entrusted to four men under the Convenorship of Douglas Langford, a Past President of the Rotary Club of Karori. The other three men in this organising committee were Maurice Perry, John Sloan and Roger Sargent.
A meeting to determine whether there was sufficient interest in forming a Club, was held on 10 October 1991 with 25 attendees. In fact there was a list of a further 88 interested in joining a Club.
Then an organisation meeting was held on 11 November at which Club officers were elected as follows – Alan Smithard, President: Alister McArthur, Vice President: Ken Bertenshaw, Secretary Treasurer: E Constance Broadmore, Peter Frude, Sheila Langridge and Denys Pinfold as committee members.
Subscriptions were fixed as follows – Entrance fee $15, Annual subscription $10 and meeting costs to be $6.
The Foundation membership was noted at 51 following a Charter Meeting on 9 December, 1991.
The club celebrated it's 30th Anniversary in December 2021 with a combined Celebration and Christmas lunch.