Welcome to our Club Website
Probus Club of Hollywell Combined Inc.
Picture provided by Google maps
Probus is for retired and semi-retired PROfessional and BUSiness people and others from any work vocation, living in the Northern Gold Coast area. The Club provides opportunities to meet, discuss interesting issues, visit places of interest and generally enjoy the company of fellow retirees.
Probus is all about friendship and fellowship of like-minded people. Our members get to know other active retirees in our local community while participating in the many and varied club activities.
The Hollywell Combined Club endeavours to focus on creating friendship and activities for the enjoyment of members. The size of the club gives all members the opportunity to mix and mingle creating a friendly atmosphere.
Our monthly general meetings are held at 10.00am on the third Tuesday of the month, at Runaway Bay Junior Leagues Club 225 Morala Ave, Runaway Bay QLD 4216. Arrive at 9.30am for a chat with tea or coffee, followed with meeting. Visitors are always welcome.