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This short history of Combined Hobart Macquarie Probus Club / The Probus Club of Hobart Macquarie is not definitive; it is dynamic, and attempts to illustrate the Club, its activities, highlights, administration etc, since inception in June 2001 to the end of 15th Anniversary Year March 2017.

Formative Year June 2001 – March 2002

A new Probus Club in Hobart Tasmania

Early in 2001 a group of mainly Freemasons discussed the formation of a new Probus Club in Hobart, researched the processes of establishing such Clubs and determined that Probus Clubs were a Rotary Australia Project and sponsorship was required by an appropriate Rotary Club.

Sponsorship was sought from and readily gained by The Rotary Club of North Hobart.


A suitable venue for regular monthly meetings was located; the Masonic Club premises, 181 Macquarie Street Hobart, The “Old Hutchins School” Building. The name of the Club arose from this location; The Hobart Macquarie Probus Club.

Apart from providing a suitable and congenial venue for regular meetings, the Masonic Club offered, Club atmosphere, Dining Room and licensed facilities, where activities could readily be extended and enjoyed in a convivial atmosphere.

Along with invited friends the group proceeded and formed the new Probus Club.

Further, it was unanimously agreed that the Club would include ladies, thus it became a ”Combined Club” where people of both gender could meet and enjoy the tenets of Probus Clubs. Membership Ceiling to be 50. The Yearly Dues would be $12.00 with a $3.00 Meeting Fee for attendees to cover morning Tea and Rental of Meeting Venue.


On the 12th June 2001, at 10 am, Rotarian Murray Yaxley , Rotary District Probus Chairman (RDPC) District 58383, a member of The Rotary Club of North Hobart and good friend of many Foundation Members , chaired a meeting of interested ladies and gentlemen where the embryonic Club was granted Provisional Status.

 Murray spoke at length of the functions of The Probus Organisation, Probians & Probus Clubs

The first business of the Club was a motion from the floor of the meeting that “We form a Probus Club and meet at the Masonic Club Hobart.” This motion was carried unanimously.

Murray Yaxley advised that the four principal officers shall be elected at this meeting.

The result of this election was;

President: Judy Morrison Vice President: Ken Tanner

Secretary: David Harrold Treasurer: Shirley Foster

It was resolved that the election of further Committee Members to be left to next meeting.

An important resolution made was that the Position of President would alternate, as far possible, each year, between ladies and gentlemen.

It was resolved that the second Tuesday in each month would be the day for the Regular Monthly Meetings (General Meetings).

After the conclusion of the meeting a number of members remained and dined at the Masonic Club.

Murray Yaxley presided at the 2nd meeting (10th July 2001) where Judy Morrison was invested as President and “took the chair”. The election of further Committee Members was adjourned until next meeting.

Murray Yaxley presented the Clubs’ Probus Certificate of Accreditation, endorsed by Pat Atkinson Executive Secretary Probus South Pacific Limited and dated 12th June 2001.


Probus Club Number 58383. Accreditation No 2115, District No. 9830

John Cogan, President of The Rotary Club of North Hobart presented the President’s Collar to The Foundation President , Judy Morrison and George Brothers, Immediate Past President The Rotary Club of North Hobart, presented Probus Special Foundation Pins & Badges to all Thirty Four (34) ** Foundation Members.

The Standard Constitution of Australian Probus Clubs Accredited by the Probus Centre – South Pacific Inc. (PSPL) was adopted.


A name change to Hobart Macquarie Combined Probus Club was confirmed by resolution

** A list of the Foundation Members is shown below.

Necessary actions were taken to confirm the General Meeting Day to be 2nd Tuesday in each month, commencing at 10.00 am, along with *subscriptions and insurance.

*Annual Subscription $12.00/Member Morning Tea $3.00/Member at each meeting.

Group Photographs were taken to create a “standing” Record.

It was resolved that the Club would “hold” its own insurance for Public & Products Liability and a Policy was purchased from QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited AON Risk Services for $20,000,000 for any one occasion, dating from 30th June 2001 and be reviewed annually.


Lance Strickland, a Club member, was the Initial Guest Speaker. He spoke at the General Meeting of 10th July 2001. Lance’s topic was Philately (Postage Stamps). Lance being a keen philatelist.

INITIAL COMMITTEE 2001 – 2002 (Continued)

At the meeting of 14th August, the balance of Committee members were proposed and elected;

  • Guest Speaker Officer;

Combined with Vice President Ken Tanner

To arrange and host Guest Speakers for each General Meeting

  • Hospitality Officers Kay Tanner & Margaret Harrold

To provide hospitality and welcome members and guests.

 Newsletter/Publicity Officer Johanna (Hannie) Collette

To produce regular Newsletters for members and attend to Club Publicity

 No nominations were received for the position of Activities Officer.

In the absence of an Activities Officer, locations for Outing/Excursions were discussed/agreed at General Meetings until this position was occupied. Members to advise suggestions in this regard to these meetings.



 In accordance with PSPL Policy and Directions the “Club Year” is determined to commence in March of a Year and culminate in March of the preceding Year, when the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held 2nd Tuesday in March each year, when a new Committee is elected.



 A Notice Board was introduced and maintained at each General Meeting upon which matters of “outside” general interest (e.g. Seniors’ Week Programme, Invitations from Rotary Clubs , PROBUS Travel Clubs, etc) will be posted for viewing and noting by members.



 Also at the meeting of 14th August it was decided, by a “show of hands” that the Club’s Initial Outing/Excursion would be to the Factory of Liferaft Systems Australia, Tasmania, located at Derwent Park at 10.00 am on 28tbAugust, the fourth Tuesday in that month.

On 29th August a Probus “Secretaries” Meeting was held at the Derwent Sailing Squadron Premises Sandy Bay where many matters concerning Secretarial/Management were discussed and resolved. David Harrold, Club Secretary attended.

The Club’s first Newsletter was available to members at the meeting of 11th September in a single A4 Sheet format. This was well received by all.

Interest was evidenced in the Club during the Club Year as a number of people were inducted from interested people/guests/invitees.

At the 9th October General Meeting it was decided to hold the Club’s first Christmas Luncheon at the Masonic Club, Macquarie Street, Hobart, on 11th December, costs being $20.00 per head.

By October the Clubs Funds were not in a “good” position, therefore it was resolved to “swell the coffers” by way of “Sports Cards”, with a prize of $20.00 at each General Meeting . Brenda Dolliver managed this.

In review the Club’s “set up year” of five months was successful, regular meetings were well attended, guest speakers at monthly meetings presented interesting topics, regular monthly outings/excursions were arranged and well attended and membership grew.

Also, it was decided that, due the “holiday season” no meeting would be held in the months of January each year.

In accordance with Probus requirements the Club’s Year (June 2001 – March 2002) concluded with a General Meeting followed by the 1st Annual General Meeting, on Tuesday 12th March 2002.

The position of Activities Officer, to arrange monthly outings/excursions could not be filled. Consequently, outing/excursions were arranged, in the main, at General Meetings.

The Management Committee met monthly to manage and review matters and programme for the future.

The Club’s financial position firmed over the latter months of 2001 and “saw” an end of year credit balance of $238.00. To assist the funds of the Club an increase in the Membership Fees from $12.00 to $15.00 was passed at the February General Meeting. Morning Tea and Venue Hire remained at $3.00 per General Meeting.


A “shop” was established and managed by the Club at General Meetings , where members were able to purchase a variety of quality, useful “Probus” items, or place such items on order from the PSPL Marketing Unit, conducted by PSPL in Parramatta, New South Wales.


No Special Function was arranged to celebrate Ausmas 2001.



The 2001 Christmas Celebrations were in the form of a Luncheon at the Masonic Club, Macquarie Street, Hobart, on 11th December. Costs were $20.00 per head.

This was enjoyed by all who attended and voted a great success.

The initial year was very successful where the principles of Probus Clubs (Fun, Friendship & Fellowship) were achieved, excellent speakers presented various topics and Outings/Excursions were arranged for the enjoyment and education of all.

Full lists showing Guest Speakers and the Topics they presented along with Monthly Outings/Excursions, Dates and Locations visited, may be found in other relevant documentation.


Lists showing Outings/Excursions experienced by members and Guest Speakers who spoke at General Meetings throughout the year may be found appended.

  • Noteworthy Outings/Excursions

Being the Formation Year (June 2001) there few Outings/Excursions were programmed.

The Club’s first a visit/tour of the business Marine Liferaft Manufacturing at Prince of Wales in September is noteworthy. It depicted a Tasmanian Enterprise that excelled around the Ship building/operations World.

  • Noteworthy Guest Speakers

Member Lance Strickland was “first cab off the rank” with his presentation on Stamp Collecting (Philately). Lance entertained with an in depth session about his private hobby, along with many examples from his collection.



This segment records the passing of Active and Inactive Members of Hobart Macquarie during the year.

As far as it is known no member died in 2001.


A 2001 Year Book, prepared by Historian Dudley Barrow, containing Monthly Newsletters, Guest Speakers, Excursions/Activities, Information Sheets from Speakers and Excursions/Activities, Members Details, Statistics, is available as a separate publication.

** CLUB FOUNDATION MEMBERS In Alphabetical Order

1. Mr. Eric Barnard

2. Mrs. Ruth Barnard

3. Mr. Eliot (El) Collett

4. Mrs. Johanna (Hannie) Collett Newsletter Editor

5. Mr. John (Jack) Daniels

6. Mr. Donald Dewar

7. Mrs. Marjory (Marj) Dewar

8. Mrs. Brenda Dolliver

9. Mr. Athol Eiszelle

10. Mrs. Dorothy (Dot) Eiszelle

11. Mr. William (Bill) Evans

12. Mrs. Isabelle Evans

13. Mrs. Shirley Foster Treasurer

14. Mr . William (Bill) Foster

15. Mr. David Harrold Secretary

16. Mrs. Margaret Harrold Social Secretary/Hospitality (Joint)

17. Mr. James (Jim) Hollick

18. Mrs. Barbara Hollick

19. Mr. Eric Mayley

20. Mrs. Doreen Mansfield

21. Mr. Douglas (Doug) Mansfield

22. Mrs. Judith (Judy) Morrison President

23. Mr. Laurie Maxwell (Max) Morrison

24. Mr. Vivian (Viv) Phillips

25. Mrs. Helen Purdon

26. Mr. Donald (Sam) Purdon

27. Mr. James (Jim) Sal

28. Mr. Patrick (Paddy) Shields

29. Mr. Lance Strickland

30. Mr. Kenneth (Ken) Tanner Vice President

31. Mrs. Kay Tanner Social Secretary /Hospitality (Joint)

32. Mr. Maxwell (Max) Webberley

33. Mr. Lloyd Webster

34. Mr. George Wells

These members received Special Probus Foundation Badges/Broaches at the Foundation Meeting

Committee Members shown in bold type.