AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

The Probus Club of Highfields is a mixed club comprising active men and women, who no longer work full time. Our club provides members with the opportunity to join together for a new lease of life. The club aims to stimulate thought and interest through participation in activities which provide regular opportunites to keep members' minds active, expand their interests and to enjoy the fellowship of new friends.

Our club is operated by a committee which is elected at the Annual General Meeting in March. The President serves for one year only, but other committee members may serve for longer periods.

Probus clubs are non-political and non-sectarian. They have no fund raising activities and are non-profit making. The aim is to operate at minimum cost to members.

We meet at 10 am on the first Thursday of each month at the Highfields Tavern in O’Brien Street, Highfields.  Visitors and prospective members are cordially welcomed to these meetings.

At our meetings speakers provide information on a wide range of topics. On the third Thursday of each month an outing/trip to places of interest or entertainment takes place for members and visitors.

A monthly newsletter keeps members up to date on recent and upcoming events, and on other items of interest.  You can access some recent newsletters on the Newsletters page of this web site.