AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


 We meet for a Lunch on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month.

Getaway Group.

Please contact Deborah Smith (0407 187 518)
Several members of the Club own caravans / recreational vehicles, and there is interest in having the occasional trip with their RVs to a caravan park or 'free camping' site.
If this is something you might like to participate in, please get in touch with Deborah.


Walking Group.
The idea of going for a regular walk for the purpose of exercising the body and mind is of interest to several people. If you would like to participate in this, please contact Robyn van der Linden on 0400 855901.

Art & Craft Group.
Coordinated by Margaret Law (0417836532) please contact to discuss your particular interest.

Tours Group.
Julie Munro (04458 953 482) is our designated tour organiser. She's already looking into what's available, and would like to know what your particular local, regional, interstate or even overseas travel interest is.

Have another interest that you think Probus members may like to join in with? Come to the next meeting and speak with us!