gymea > Management Committee
President: Alan Brown (Pauline) 9524 4840 0417 653 060
Vice President: Maureen Massey 0499 113 556
Secretary: David Miller (Sue) 9528 6381
Assistant Secretary: Bill Casley ( Joan) 9521 2482
Treasurer: Neil Wallace ( June) 9525 6182
Assistant Treasurer: Barry Groundwater (Denise) 9524 7772
Immediate Past President; Ian Rae 0418 425 571
Denise Groundwater 9524 7772 0491 192 099
Bob Costello 9524 5460; 0400 375 697
Christine Johnston 040 7952 650
Doug Batchelor 9526 6168 0415 937 367
Activities Coordinators: Pauline Brown 9524 4840; 0408 168 458
Speaker Organiser: Tim Higgins (Pam) 0418 861 121, 9531 0731
Welfare: Barbara Bruce 9525 1400
Meet & Greet: Grahame Caisley (June) 9524 1901, 0400 422 279
Walk organisers: Bob East 0400 228 786 (Deanne) and
David Attenborough, 0477 245 922
Newsletter Editor: Annette Batchelor 9526 6168, 0415 937 367,
Library custodians: John & Eileen Wallace, 0422 271 716
POSTAL ADDRESS The Secretary and Public Officer;
David Miller, 1 Farrer Place Oyster Bay 2225