Welcome to the Guildford Combined Probus Club Website.
Visitors are welcome. We hope to meet you soon at one of our meetings or outings.
You do not have to live in Guildford to be a member of Guildford Probus.
Club Meetings are held at Guildford Leagues Club at 10.30am on the first Thursday of the month (Feb - Nov)
Details of outings and activities are in our newsletters.
Are you a retireee who would like to meet and socialise with other retirees in the Guildford area?
We are a small club of about 50 members.
Contact Us
Please email [email protected] if you would like any more information.
Send an apology if you can't attend the meeting
Always wear your name badge at the meeting
Turn off your phone before the meeting commences
Show respect to all speakers, please don't chat to other members during the meeting
The Membership Officer has the important task of maintaining an accurate record of every members' contact details.
Please don’t forget to notify our Membership Officer as soon as possible whenever you change your address, phone number, email address, emergency contact person etc
Convenient and clothes friendly PROBUS MAGNETIC NAME BADGES are available for $7 each Ordering is quick and easy.
Place $7 in an envelope with your name on it and hand it to the Secretary at any meeting.
Members consent to appearing in a photograph taken during a Club meeting or event is regarded as being implied unless you have advised your Probus club otherwise.
The same implied consent applies to any photos that are published in any Probus printed or electronic material.
Any member who does NOT want to have their photographs taken or published in the newsletter, magazine or website, must notify their Club Secretary in writing as soon as possible after joining Probus.
Members are all encouraged to make useful suggestions in the Suggestion Box at meetings. These could include, but are not limited to such things as - $2.50 train destinations; lunch venues; board and card games days; day tours; extended tours; walking tours; movie days; picnic spots; meeting activities; theme parties; theatre parties etc.