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MARCH 2025

 3rd - Monday Morning Tea 10am @ Mitre 10 MEGA Glenfield (coffee shop), 15 Poland Road, Wairau Park.

12th - Wednesday Ethnic Lunch 12pm @ Wok n Noodle (Thai) Restaurant, 1-7 The Strand, Takapuna. This small restaurant is on our schedule for the 2nd time.

17th - Monday Probus Monthly Meeting, 10am War Memorial Hall, Hall Road, Glenfield. Today is our AGM.

24th - Monday - Bookchat 2pm @ Shirley's Apartment, Hobsonville Point

30th Sunday Lunch 12pm @ Bistro 55, BNZ Bldg, 55 Corinthian Drive, Albany. A dellightful, airy restaurant with good food and great service