AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

all suggestions welcome to improve our Gilead Probus page.

Any photos from events can now be added to our Facebook page 

If you would like to share our page please use the link below.

Probus - GILEAD PROBUS CLUB - Welcome (


Direct deposit is now available for all payments to Gilead Probus Club.

For Tours & Outings use BSB 112 879 (St George Bank)

Account 204 838 059 (Gilead Probus Club)

For membership payments use BSB 112 879 (St George Bank)

Account 463 226 452 (Gilead Probus Club)

Reference MUST state your full name and what the payment is for

e.g Joan Smith - Zig-Zag Railway

Or Joan Smith - membership fee


Information regarding future outings/tours is on display on the Probus Notice Board located on the first floor near the rear door exit.

- Please take note of the date, time, location, transportation, mobility access, deposit due date, final payment due date and “disclaimer” regarding refunds

- If you wish to attend, you MUST enter your name and details on the information flyer on the Probus noticeboard on the top floor noticeboard near the rear exit of the clubhouse.

- Non-members will incur an additional charge from now on and deposits not refundable.

- Visitors can only attend up to three-(3) meetings or activities. This should be adequate time for the person to determine if they wish to join the Probus.

- Payments for Outings:

- a. Cash in envelope with outing details, name, address and contact details and place in Probus Letterbox

- b. Direct deposit – clearly stating your full name and outing.

Please check the sign-up notice for the reference if paying by direct deposit.


Gilead Probus Club has a policy of having members advise if they are unable to attend a general meeting. This is a requirement for insurance purposes.  If you are unable to attend the NEXT meeting, (and next meeting only)  please enter your name, or two names if a couple and click Submit.


Submit an apology