AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Our Club offers a wide variety of activities via our special interest groups, these include:

  • Solo Cards, a dedicated group participates in montly games at one of our members homes

  • Caravan & Cabin usually involing a mid week getaway to a localation in regioanl Victoria

  • A monthly Dine Out at a local resturant or bistro.

  • Cinema for a monthly viewing followed by a light lunch 

  •  Weekly games of bowls at the Highton bowling club, each Thursday morning.

  • An active walking group that taht meet around 9:15 on Wednesday moring for a a  variety of local walks followed by coffee.

  • Weekly golf  on a Monday morning, usually at Queens Park.

  • A Wine Apreciation group that meets monthly, that aims to grow their knowledge of wine varietials. 

  • One our members who is an experienced teacher in photographic techniques, assits mebers in improving their skills and results withcameras and phones.

New members are encouraged to join in these activities , and make use of any particular skils they mabe able to bring to these groups or form new ones. 

Click on the files below for some pictures from our 2022/23 Caravan and Cabin trips .

