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On 19th March in the presence of Gary Hodgson President of the Rotary Club of Geelong Central an interest meeting was conducted by Kathy Roth.


The organization meeting was held at Rosnashane on April 16 1993

President John White, Secretary Bob Faux and Treasurer David Hampton were elected.

 The daughter of Maureen Lawson was the owner of Rosnashane.


The May meeting was held at the C.W.A. club rooms with a $15 membership fee for foundation members.


The club moved to Illawarra in Pakington St. in August 1993 where it remained until April 1995 when it was moved to Y.W.C.A. in Marshall St. Newtown.

In May 2005 the club had grown so much, that a move to the R.S.L. was necessary and it has remained there ever since.


Special interest groups were started around this time and remain popular to this day with eight active groups.

The club members have been on a great many trips both near and far, particularly under the guidance of David Barton for the past seventeen years. These trips have included Lake Eucumbene, Walhalla, Tasmania, Kangaroo Island, Sydney, Broken Hill, Port Stephens, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, Borneo,  Port Lincoln and many others too numerous to mention.

We have had dinners at places including Berkeley Lodge, Sladen House, Kirrewur Court, Vue Grand, Lyndon Grove and more recently at Truffleduck ,Warn Ponds Hotel and the Ocean Grove Bowling Club