AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Recent Day Trips

Our most recent Day Trip was a cruise on the beautiful, refitted Wangi Queen, sailing from Lemon Tree Passage, taking us on a relaxing 2.5 hour tour of interesting places in the western harbour.  Nineteen of us were on the cruise and all pronounced it a great success.  The fare was $35 and a delicious lunch cost an additional $20 - good value.  Thank you Thellie, for organising it!


Upcoming Day Trip

Our next Day Trip will be the “Over the Top” coach trip, on Thursday 5 October, via Barrington Tops, with morning tea provided, lunch at Moonan Flats Hotel and a visit to a horse stud. We will meet and park our cars at the Port Stephens Coach depot and the trip will start and finish from there. The cost is $115, which includes everything.