AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Welcome to the Ferrymead Sumner Men's Probus Club website
Probus Club Christchurch, New Zealand

Join together in activities as members of this exciting social club
while enjoying the company of new friends.


Fun, Friendship and Fellowship in Retirement
with more than 100 members at our club


Check out our upcoming Monthly Meeting Program & Outings/Events.



Interested in joining our activities and becoming a member?

Let us know by email at: [email protected]

Have you signed up to the PSPL Probus E-Newsletter yet?
Check it out here: PSPL Probus Community News.

For the history of Probus see:


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(Redcliffs, Mt Pleasant)


 © 2024 Ferrymead Sumner Men's Probus Club - Christchurch, New Zealand